Chapter 2

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"I still can't believe you almost died," your mother sighed. The two of you were sitting in her car, parked right out the front gates of your high school. Totally your most favourite place in the whole world, you know, the place that you totally weren't super excited to be leaving for good at the end of the year.

"Okay, I didn't almost die," you rolled your eyes. After you told your mother about what had happened on your walk home from work on Sunday, she was reluctant to let the issue go, as well as reluctant to let you go anywhere on your own. She even seemed hesitant to let you go to school if it meant she wasn't going to go with you.

"A guy following you from work in the dark? Sounds like a murder story. I'm just glad I raised a daughter who was smart enough to book it and not try and investigate it," your mother said and you laughed. She was a very interesting woman.

"Well thank you for doing that for me," you giggled again and opened the car door. You stopped for a second and then turned back, a look on your face that your mother knew very well.

"I cannot let you skip on the first day of school!" She exclaimed and you groaned.

"Fine. Bye. I love you I guess," you jokingly sulked, making your mother laugh this time.

"Love you too sweetie, I'll see you after school." You waved and closed the car door, turning around to stalk into the school gates, already frowning and tired from the amount of work you knew you were going to be doing this year.


This was great. Fantastic. You loved life, it was splendid and everything was just perfect.

You were currently on your way to the principals office, not because you had done anything wrong, but because you were going to go and pick up one of the new students and 'be their buddy'. Gods knew you did not want to do this. Your friendship group was reduced to a few close acquaintances and about a billion non-existent friends from books and tv shows. You were very socially anxious, socially awkward and socially inept and above all else you were a big nerd, meaning people just weren't your thing and yet fate decided that you were to be the one helping out the new kid. You didn't even know how you ended up here. You were only an arts captain - and even then you had only become one because you didn't want the arts program that was running last year to stop so you made sure you were an arts captain to ensure it kept on going - and it was definitely not an arts captains job to initiate new students, but the students who were supposed to do that were unable to at the moment, and your favorite teacher who saw some unknown potential in you had asked very nicely and you had never been able to say no anyway. It was just a chain of events that lead to you being very unhappy.

Once you had arrived at the principals office, you took a few seconds to calm your breath and bring down your erratic heart rate before you swung the door open, trying your best to wear what looked like a convincing smile. You could thank the years of working in retail for that. Sitting behind the desk was the school principal, a middle aged guy with salt-and-pepper hair and a surprinsgly kind face and calming demeanour. But the person sitting opposite him - oh, that person made you want to slam the door right back shut and run all the way back to your house. It was him. It was that stupid, creepy, stalker guy who followed you home. Of course it was. That was how God liked to make your life.

The guy sitting across the principal turned around upon hearing the door open. You watched him tense up and eyes widen slightly, as if he was surprised to see you, which was surprising to you because he was obviously stalking you.

"Y/N, lovely to see you," the principal smiled warmly, and it took a lot for you to tear your eyes from the guy sitting in front of him and greet the principal, fearful that the stalker guy was going to try some shit as soon as you weren't looking.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now