Chapter 9

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As soon as the light hit your eyes, you shot up from where you lay. You surroundings had you confused at first but it wasn't long until it all came flooding back to you. You were on Yoongi's couch still, your clothes rumpled form the sleep and you makeup undoubtedly smudged. What concerned you the most was the warm orange light spilling into the room from the windows. It was sunset. And your mother was going to kill you for not even calling her to tell her you were going to be out late. You rolled off the couch, almost falling on your ass when you stood up. Even if you weren't as tired anymore thanks to the nap, you were still insufferably weak. And ravenous. You would kill for a steak right now.

You heard a door open and turned to see Namjoon walking out of his room, smiling when he saw you were awake.

"Ah, the dead awakens. Or the half-dead I suppose," he chuckled to himself and you felt a smile on your lips as well. After remembering everything that had happened a few hours prior, you attempted to reach out with your powers again to see if you could sense Namjoon again, but as soon as you tried your stomach lurched and your vision went blurry so quickly you nearly fell over. Namjoon rushed over to put a steadying hand on your arm.

"Not a good idea to try and use your powers again so soon," he said when you had righted yourself, "you can exhaust yourself quickly if you aren't fully developed," he spoke as if he knew what it felt like himself.

"So are you the healer or the memory man?" You asked, remembering Yoongi telling you one of his friends was gifted in healing and one had good memory.

"Jin's the healer, had a gift for it before his powers even developed. I've got the memory," he smiled but waved you off quickly, "but enough about me. You must be starving, I remember tiring myself out like that, and I could have sworn my stomach was bottomless." As if your stomach could hear him talking, it went and growled deeply, making you flush lightly in embarrassment.

"You're not wrong," you said, "but I don't want to bother you, and my mum is probably wondering where I am as well," you tried to excuse yourself but quickly found Namjoon ushering you into the kitchen.

"Nonsense. You're our guest, it wouldn't be a bother. And I promise I won't take long, I can't really cook anything other than packet food anyway." You wondered if that was due to the fact that he was a bad cook or just because he didn't have the need to cook human food. Either way, you had never been able to say no, so you simply sat down at one of the chairs at the kitchen counter and watched as Namjoon pulled out a kettle and filled it up with water. He pressed the button and reached for something in the cupboard. A packet of cup noodles. A true gourmet meal. When the water had boiled and the cup had been filled with water, Namjoon got a bottle of wine out of the fridge. That surprised you. You didn't really peg him as the giving-alcohol-to-minors kind of a guy. But when he grabbed out only one wine glass, and the minute you saw the dark red liquid leaving the bottle you knew that wasn't for you, and knew that it certainly wasn't wine.

"Clever," you commented, gesturing to the wine bottle.

"Thank you," he chuckled, "it's rare that we ever do have anyone over that doesn't know about our... condition, but when we do it's best not to have bags of blood lying around. And it makes us feel a little more fancy." He raised his glass as if to accentuate the fanciness and you laughed. He set the glass down and checked on your noodles. You found yourself eyeing the glass carefully. You were starting to get a little freaked. Because you weren't bothered by the sight of it. And the thought of drinking it didn't make you want to recoil. In fact, you were harrowed to find you wouldn't even mind having a bit of a taste. Yoongi had said you might develop a taste for blood, but damn, did you not want to believe it.

"Did you want a sip?" Namjoon asked and you were brought out of you reverie with a start. He had noticed you staring at his glass then.

"No..." You said but you certainly didn't sound convincing. Namjoon certainly didn't look convinced either.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now