Chapter 8

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Walking through the halls of the apartment block you weren't sure what to expect of Yoongi's 'co-workers'. The fact that he lived with them was enough to tell you that they were definitely more than just 'co-workers'. It was strange to think of Yoongi with an abundance of friends. You had only seen him as detached and anti-social at school so imagining him amongst a whole group of people, all living together, was a bit of a new thought.

The two of you approached one of the doors, number thirty-eight, and Yoongi pulled out his keys, unlocking the door, sticking his head in and surveying the scene before opening it up completely. The inside was as nice as the outside, lot's of marble and sleek designs. You had no idea where they got their money from, especially considering the fact that Yoongi was currently enrolled in high school and did not have an actual paying job.

Though nicely designed, it was obviously lived in. The furniture had been worn down in some places, dirty dishes were still piled in the sink and peoples belongings had been scattered throughout the rooms. At the moment all you could see was the kitchen and the living room, but you could see a few doors that lead off into other rooms. One of said doors opened up, and a tall guy walked out.

"Hey Yoongi- Oh." He had barely lifted his gaze when he was Yoongi, but stopped altogether when he saw you standing behind him. He straightened up a bit and walled over sticking out his hand in your direction.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you," he said, smiling widely, a set of charming dimples accompanying it. You gladly took his hand but started in your spot as soon as your skin made contact.

"You're a vampire," you said. You didn't know how you knew that, or why you decided to just blurt it at him, but as soon as your hands touched, you knew.

"Uh- yes, I am, did Yoongi tell you?" He furrowed his brows in confusion, but Yoongi himself didn't look any better.

"No, I didn't," Yoongi answered for you, "how did you know that?" Yoongi asked, eyeing your hand that was still in Namjoon's. You quickly returned your arm to your side.

"I-I don't know. Is that not something vampires can usually do?" You asked but both guys shook their heads.

"Well, we can have a look into that later, why don't we just relax for now." Namjoon finally said, seeing your obvious discomfort from being straight up stared at by the two of them. He walked out of the hallway and into the lounge room, indicating for you to take a seat on the couch. Just as you did so, another one of the bedroom doors opened and two more guys walked out. "Guys, come say hi, we have company." Namjoon called out to the two guys, who immediately looked up, obviously surprised to see that not only was there indeed company but it was you, a young girl.

"Hiya, I'm Hoseok." One of them walked right up and smiled brightly, forgoing a handshake like Namjoon had and opting instead for a straight up hug. Once again, at his touch you instantly registered him as a vampire, but decided that this time you would keep your mouth shut about it. You had never been much of a hugger but his embrace was warm and welcoming so you tentatively wrapped your arms around him in return before he pulled away. He had orange-ish hair that fell in his eyes, and was just as tall and good looking as Yoongi and Namjoon. So was their other friend, a young looking guy with light brown hair.

"I'm Jungkook," he said, very quietly, and decided against a hug and choosing a handshake instead. This time nearly gave you a shock. He wasn't a vampire, that much you knew, seeing as soon as your skin touched you could hear his heartbeat roaring underneath his skin. Human. The noise was so alarming that you actually dropped his hand and gasped. Everyone looked at you, Jungkook looking awfully concerned. "I-I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine," you shook your head at his furrowed brows, "it's just... I could hear your heartbeat. It surprised me," you admitted and watched as his eyes widened.

"This is getting kind of weird," Yoongi mumbled and you felt inclined to agree with him. It wasn't the actual identifying of their natural state that scared you, but how everyone reacted to it. It was obvious that this kind of thing didn't happen often. Or at all. You had to say, standing in a room full of vampires, you did not expect to be the weird one.

"Maybe we should test this out." Namjoon said and disappeared for a second before returning with three other guys, a tall blonde, a tall blue haired guy and a shorter guy with light purple hair. "This is Jin, Taehyung and Jimin." Namjoon introduced each of them respectively. They all looked very confused but waved politely nonetheless. "I want to know if you can tell me what each of them are." He asked and your eyebrows shot up.

"You want me to touch them?" You asked and nearly laughed when you saw all of their shocked faces. Everyone else in the room was dead silent, curiously studying what was happening. It was awkward enough in the room that you barely even noticed Yoongi take a step towards you, almost protectively.

"Well, if you can, try and do it without any contact," Namjoon said. This was not at all how you expected going to Yoongi's place would be at all. You thought maybe you would watch some TV, talk more about vampires, make stupid jokes and everything you usually did. You had not expected to meet six guys, and definitely did not expect to experimented on.

But you listened to Namjoon nonetheless, not really knowing how to say no when all seven of them were staring at you the way they were.

You tried focusing on the three guys standing before you, none looking any less confused. You focused hard enough that the rest of them phased out, until it was only the three standing in front of you. You hadn't noticed when, but at some point you had squeezed your eyes shut, but you could still sense them standing before you. You pushed a little harder, throwing your thoughts out to them like a net, grasping for anything. Suddenly, you could hear it, a small heartbeat in the back of your mind. You focused on it, drawing it out, surrounding it with your thoughts and energy until it became louder, more prominent, until you weren't hearing it anymore, but were feeling it, as if it was your own. And then a second came roaring through you, resting right beside the first one. Try as you might though, you couldn't detect a third heartbeat, but you could sense this... otherness. Something cold and dark that slipped through your hands when you tried to reach for it.

You snapped your eyes open and returned to reality, blinking a few times to clear your blurry vision. You almost took a step back in surprise when you came to. You could hear the heartbeats. The ones that had been introduced as Jimin and Taehyung both had a soft heartbeat bouncing away inside them. Not just that, you turned and focused on Jungkook and you could hear his too. Looking back at the third one in front of you, Jin, you couldn't hear anything, but you could sense his presence, his essence of something different, something that definitely marked him as a vampire. Looking at the others, Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi, they all had this same essence, but you noticed that Hoseok's was different - like it was missing something. You focused on it a bit harder but you soon realised it wasn't that he was really missing anything, it was just that the other three had something added to theirs.

You remembered Yoongi telling you that he had powers, and that two of his friends did as well. Was this what you were sensing in them? You wanted to push further, find out more, but you suddenly felt like you were about to pass out, your energy spent.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked. At some point he had walked up and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"I can sense you," you said, ignoring his question. "All of you. I can see you and hear you, but I can also sense you. Like I can see into your very being or something," you whispered. Everyone looked shocked. You would have felt shocked yourself if you didn't think your knees where going to collapse under you at any moment.

"You should sit down," Yoongi said, noticing your exhaustion. He guided you over to the couch, a quick glance to the guys around him that had them all finding something better to do than gawk at you as you nearly fell onto their couch. "It seems you do have powers after all," Yoongi explained as he made you lay back on the couch, stuffing a cushion under your head. "But it probably wasn't the best idea to try and force that much of it out when you'd barely developed your power," he chuckled, and you would have laughed back if you didn't feel the energy slowly leaving you. The exhaustion was slowly making it's way up your body, starting at your toes and climbing up your legs. It crept up into your chest and clawed it's way up your neck until eventually it reached your head, and you could do nothing to stop your eyes as they snapped shut and sleep overcame you.

I Know I Sound Crazy - Min Yoongi x Reader (Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now