A Chance?

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Welp,im going all out telling miyo's beauty and the gaiyo scene now but only for a sec,just for my cheeky yet adorable mongkey boi,gai and my fiesty looking but very shy feline,
miyo.Btw some pinches(MAYBE ALOT OF) gaiyo in here today just so you all guys and gals know,but it is a gaiyo book,so..... XD.


~Writer's POV~

After they were done having fun under the sun,the sun setted so they all except lonky and alto decided to have a campfire for the BBQ that spin was gonna make at the very looking moonlight beach since spin said hes a really great cook(he probably aint and terrible at it ~Gai) and before getting inside of one of the houses lisa checked us all in.

Some of the boys boys decided to gather some of the firewood for the campfire in the longue while the girls decided to freshen up a bit from their swim in the beach.

Meanwhile,lonky and alto instead went inside to get the best place possible for the two royal giraffes to sleep in without them being total slobs they both said in unison.

~Gai's POV~

When me and the boys finally got the firewood that we all needed,i somehow saw a glimse of a pink 'n peach blob a far distance away on top of a coast near the beach then i realized it was the love of my entire life,miyo so i sincerely excused myself from the boys and my brothers and went to visit miyo to ask her something.

As i got closer to her,i never noticed how perfect the surroundings match her stunning looks to the very point of my beating heart.

Her pink messy bun tied up into a ponytail flowing with the calm but windy breeze passing by the near coast,her green emerald eyes shining ever so often scanning the twinkling stars from above the black sky with a beautiful milky way decorating the black sky,her white and peach skin complexity of how soft and smooth it is,that i only touch not that often,her very adorable smile that does not show very often but shows billions of very positive emotions to come outside of me amd tell her how i feel deep inside and so many more.

I was so into her stunning beauty that i didnt know i was already a big ol'creep behind a big ol'rock looking at her like a creep would do,but i probably already am.

When i realized my creepy actions as a gentlemen mong(hes lying guys ~Spin),i blushingly stopped being a total creep and went to confront her and ask if the beautiful peach skinned feline wants to eat some BBQ in the campfire.

As i was near her lovely presence,i quietly gave a quick tap at her back while whispering for her attention.
She suddenly shivered and quickly turned around to my location and gave a painful scratch on my face as if she was surprised by my quiet actions which i very regreted to be honest.I weepingly asked what was that for while slightly touching my aching injury.

"Oh,Gai!I thought you were a stranger.Sorry about...that...h-here..."

she said as she cleans my injury with the towel covering her body getting up from her sitting position up to my level.She told the girls she'll freshen up sooner or later so she just covered her body with her short light pink towel with some violet aloha styled flowers at the bottom with green vines as it connects through the flowers.

I was a bit surprised from her kind apology,shes almost never opens up even the slightest bit for males,so that i wont have to worry for boys trying to steal my fiesty yet very adorable and loveable girl.

"You don't have to...do...that..."

I said as i gently tried to stop her but i noticed she was slightly looking at my dark brown eyes which instantly caught my attention so i looked right back at hers too as we both settled down in a more comfortable sitting position.

│☕ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 ·˚ ༘│GaiYo│Running Man Animation│OLD & DISCONTINUED│Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora