18. The Surreal and Uncanny

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It was eight post meridian on New Year's Eve and people were going insane. The drive to Jazz's flat was absolutely infuriating and I couldn't handle the crazy music that Diana insisted on playing.

Once we arrived, my sister screamed and almost burst into tears. Kyle, Woody, and Will seemed incredibly embarrassed. But they quickly engaged into a conversation about... the bass? I saw Dan speaking with someone. I approached them silently, avoiding any soul I didn't know.

"Rose!" he said with a smile, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my cheek, a burning sensation followed.

"Hello Dan." I smiled, altering my position.

"Rose, this is Ralph. Ralph this is
Rose." he motioned to the man standing at his side. His friend was also tall, and sported an interesting amount of facial hair. Just like Kyle. I shook Ralph's hand, and Jazz summoned us outside.

"Okay, so I got us a big," she motioned with her hands, "Van thing to accommodate all of us... nine?" Jazz spoke. I scanned the premise, and saw that there were nine people. Woody had a girl with him. The guys loaded the car and we all got in, I was squished between Will and Diana. With Ralph sitting next to Diana, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Diana put in her headphones and we were off in the direction of nowhere.

Will and I engaged in an interesting conversation about philosophy, and physics. Since he considered himself an enthusiast in both areas. My spirits were enlightened by his brain twisting takes on certain theories that I had pretentiously looked over.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived in what looked like a campground far away from London, the city was only a cluster in the distance.

"So why are we out here? No fireworks." The woman that came with Woody asked. Jazz answered her in her typical, nonchalant voice. "Chrissy, just enjoy the beautiful outdoors... also, there is a fireworks pit over there." she pointed to a lake area in the distance. Her beloved silver bracelet dangling off of her wrist.

The nine of us laid down blankets on the grass, and we sat in a circle. A fire roaring in the center, "Okay, I haven't gone camping since I was ten. Someone, anyone, what do we do know?" Kyle asked the group.

"Tell stories?" Diana suggested, attempting to involve herself amongst the crowd of adults. I had to give her kudos, she was doing well. "Sing songs?" Ralph suggested. "Play games?" Dan said quickly afterwards, he was seated next to me. Chrissy burst out laughing, following her rumble with something along the lines of, "You can't avoid what has to come."

We spent the majority of the time around the fire contemplating random political topics. Surprisingly, none of the people who accompanied us were devout political-avoiders. My father, being the quiet man he is, had a mouth for politics. And was fascinated by the American government...

After a lengthy debate about taxes, Will got up and headed for the van. Chrissy had pushed him in the direction, and was mumbling something unintelligible. He reemerged with a beautiful acoustic guitar. It seemed to glow in the firelight, igniting the beauty of the instrument without sound.

Dan's eyes widened at the sight of the masterpiece and quickly stammered, "I am not singing." Will scoffed, as if he had been expecting that reaction from the king of pessimists himself, "You don't need to; There ain't no sunshine when she's gone..." he sang horrendously off key whilst randomly strumming the guitar strings.

"Don't sing, don't sing." Kyle said, unable to contain laughter. The rest of us joined him.

"Will, I'm not going to sing." Dan repeated, in an all too serious manner.

Overjoyed // {Bastille}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon