2. Word Rush

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I studied his features, his dark hair was styled in a wild, quiff like thing. He had a little stubble around his chin. He was tall, and laughter lines were lightly etched around his eyes which only added to their electrifying and heartwarming factor. Above all, he gave off an aura that screamed fit. I still felt uncomfortable with this stranger next to me. Yes he' was attractive, but I was still clueless as to who he was.

"So -" We blurted out at the same time.
He laughed and I sat there with a sheepish grin on my face.

"So, what's your name?" He asked with a giggle. I turned to him. "Rosemary, but you can call me Rose if you wish," I said looking him straight in the eye, I immediately regretted that decision.

He let a chuckle loose. "I'm Daniel, but I prefer Dan."

"How old are you?" I heard the impatience etched in my voice.

"26... And you?" He folded his hands in his lap, closing off. Oh.

"24, in my last year of Cambridge."

"Woah that's amazing! What are you studying?" He sounded like an excited eight-year-old. "I'm getting my masters in neuroscience, which is a pain." I painfully laughed.

"Wow!" He exclaimed with awe. This bothered me and I answered in a snarky tone."Sure, it isn't what I'd like to be doing though..."

"Then why don't you do what you like?" His response was cool and light. Contrary to how I'd just addressed him. "It's complicated," I said simply.

"Ah I see," he said softly.

We sat there for a few moments in complete silence.

"What do you do Dan?" I began to rummage through my bag to find a bottle of water, I had just plummeted to the ground... I was bound to have one. "Er... I'm in a band," he answered, clearly trying to throw the question in he other direction.

"Oh really?" My inquisitive tone intruded my nonchalant attitude. I was screwing myself over. "Yes I am..."

"Must be fun!" Once again, I almost had to fake my general excitement.

"It can be at times," He said in monotone. A moment of silence followed and ruined the flow of conversation that had so admirably begun.

Then he turned to look at me. "Would it be awkward if I told you that I find you incredibly attractive?" His face turned pink and his eyes went wide. He put his face in his hands as a melodic laugh left his mouth. "I can't believe I just asked you that."

My eyes were wide, with serendipitous surprise.

I looked at him, profuse thoughts were racing around in my indulgent mind. My mouth spilled the first thing that came to thought, a grin and the calming words, "It's alright, no need to be so harsh."

Now one could question my ability to handle social environments. I knew I was doing so.

He laughed and removed his hands from his face, "Rosemary, you're not that bad."


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