12. The Cat

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Small talk was shared as we made our way into the city. I don't why know why the hell he walked. Or maybe he just wanted to throw me through hell.

Then, I asked the question. A petty question that is, and yet, it started up a discussion that he seemed to be able to babble about for days on end. Truly some stamina.

"So, do you like to read?" I asked. He stopped and looked me dead in the eye. As if he was bewildered that I would ask such a thing.

"I would cease to exist without my daily dose of books." He he said sweetly. "I can't even begin on the subject, reading is my favorite pass time and has been ever since I could remember. I love all sorts of books, historical fiction, fantasy. Recently I have been reading classics, like To Kill A Mockingbird or Of Mice And Men. They just take you some place you know? Oh my, I'm rambling. I'll shut up now." He smiled shyly.

I giggled, as if that was the only thing I was capable of doing.

"What about you?" He asked me.

"Erm." I paused for a moment, debating whether or not to tell him about what I used to read. Or what I read now, which consisted of nothing more than medical books and theories of the pre-frontal cortex. "Medical things..." I wavered, not wanting to elaborate.

"Boring?" He asked with what seemed to be a trace of curiosity. "Only sometimes... You get used to it."

A pregnant pause awaited us. That was, until we passed by a restaurant. A posh one at that, one where I remember spending many nights with my family.

"Oh, Danny!" A man ran out of the doorway, he possessed a wild amount of complementary facial hair. A photo of a giant cat was embroidered in his jumper, a fun sight to behold.

"Oh hey, mate!" He turned and gave me a weary look. "I'm so sorry, this was extremely uncalled for." He looked at me for an answer.

"It's fine." I said bluntly, what a nice surprise.

We reached Kyle and he immediately gave Dan a hug, he came to me. "I'm Kyle, and you are?" Before I could answer he pulled me into his arms. Although as startled as I was, I managed to slither my hands around his small circumference.


"Hello, Rose!" He said with a grin. "I'll just take this golden opportunity and ask you both something." His words emphasized a carefree soul and kind disposition.

"There is a house party that I planned at your place." He motioned to Dan.

"Wait, mate you did what?" Dan protested.

"Shush dear, you're the only one who has a decent place." Kyle continued, "And I'm inviting you Rose, and of course you Dan."

Dan rolled his eyes and scoffed, saying that this wasn't the first time this - Kyle had done something so malignant in Dan's view. I wasn't going to pass up some time out.

"Sure, I'll attend." I said. Dan looked at me with a crazed look on his face. I merely shrugged.

Kyle gave me his number and Dan said that "they would talk about this later." Then the day continued without another disruption. We literally did nothing except walk the streets of London, but I enjoyed his company.

But one thing was for sure, the house party was a go.


*bzzz bzzz*

Incoming call: Jazz

I picked up.

"How are things? Have you seen him again?" Her voice sounded like a siren.

"Yes... I saw him yesterday. And his friend...Kyle. He invited me to a house party."

"OH MY GOD." She squealed.

"Stop acting like a my sister Jazz."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Diana called from the hallway.


"Sister issues?" Jazz asked from the other line. Being an only child, she didn't know the half of it.


She laughed and continued, "Listen, I have no idea how you dealt with the screw up that was you sleeping with him. But if you can handle that, then go to that house party and bring me along."

"Wait- what?"

"Bring me! Ask if you can anyway. This is big for you! You're making friends and it's two weeks until Christmas, which means complete and total isolation from the outside world. Just go!"

"I was never doubting going you crazy girl. I like him." I said.

"Then pounce and forget about Liam already."

"Stop making inferences!" I cried through the phone.

"See this is why I'm an English major. I have no idea what an inference is."

"What ever Jay."

"Just ask for me will you?"

"I will, love you, get back to you." I stammered.

"See you love bear."

I hung up and I immediately texted Dan.

Me: Hello, about the house party. Is it okay with you if I bring my best mate? She is absolutely sane and won't break anything.

Not even a minute later I got my reply.

Dan: Of course! Just don't let her come in the place of you. xo

I smiled, I knew Jazz was going to have a fit.


I'm sorry I don't know what I'm doing.

Feedback is always appreciated x

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