4. Mountainous Endevours

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I laid sprawled out under my bedsheets, unable to move, think, or even see clearly, which wasn't much of a difference. My abundance of school work came to my mind. I stacked a countless number of assignments on my old desk the previous night, and the pile formed a daunting mountain. I groaned at the thought of working on those damned papers.

A glorious, thought decided to make an appearance within my mind. Has he messaged me? The giddiness took over and I reached for my mobile.

No new messages.

Well, it was only 9:30. And I was beginning to feel the effects of oversleeping.

I set my phone down and although my body protested, it was time to leave the beloved bed. I reached for my glasses and walked downstairs into the dinning room, where I was immediately greeted by my mother setting the table for breakfast.

"Hola, Rosa." She smiled.

"Good morning Mum, why are you setting the table?" We hardly ever had breakfast together  Although her stunning glare told me something else, "I mean, would you like me to get my sister out of bed?"

"Sí por favor. Yes please."

I walked back upstairs and went into my room once again, to check my phone of course.

No new messages.

Feeling slightly uneasy, I left my phone and quietly entered my sisters room. Tip toe, tip toe. I jumped on her small, sleeping body. She gave an ear piercing scream as I did so. Knocking me off my rocker.

"You're mad, get off me!" She cried. I was laughing like a mad man.

"You're hilarious Rose. Ha, ha, ha!" She exclaimed.

"Come on it was funny!" I continued my voluptuous laugh. "No... It wasn't."

I peeled her from her sheets and she quickly brushed her long, black hair. Her crystal blue eyes gave me threatening glances whilst she stood at the mirror, which only reminded me that she had to get the glorious mutated gene. Leaving me; the abhorrent middle child to look like the vast majority of the female population. I looked like a spitting image of my mother.

Finally, I managed to push her out the door, and race her to the bottom of the stairs. We were both giggling by the time we reached the dinning room. My mother gave me a look of warning and we commenced breakfast...


Four days prior I met a lovely stranger on the train. It was now a glorious Wednesday and I was up to here with being patient. If it wasn't going to happen it wasn't. I was just going to have to get that through my head.

But the same thoughts always roamed around in my head, if I was supposed to be more mature than my male counter parts, and my mental age was supposed to be greatly superior to those of teenage years. Why was I ditching my knowledge of physical attraction and the brain when that's all it was? I was taught the ins and outs of attraction. And he was still a stranger to me. A stranger who I might not get to see again.

School work was getting overwhelming, I wanted to get it done as soon as possible so I didn't have to stress out. But the work in itself was disastrous.

"Hey Rose, want to go to the cinema with me?" Diana asked me through the doorway peephole.

Dementia and Alzheimer's can be present during old age. Explain the neurons reaction to each ailment and how each affects the brain on a cellular level. No less than 1,000 words.

Oh Professor Adams, how you underestimate us.

"Sorry, I have a lot of work to do right now, perhaps this weekend?"

"Fine." I heard her foots steps as she walked away.

I flat out lied, I didn't have that much work that evening. I only wanted to stay home and wait for that call. I was so low.

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