5. Can't You Think?

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"Inventing lovers on the phone, who called to say 'come dance with me'" - At Seventeen, Janis Ian


Wednesday and Thursday passed without a call. I had fully accepted that fact.

But on the bright side, I had managed to speak with my life long best friend, Jazz, and set up plans to go out that very Friday night.

Before the medical licensing exam, we used to go out all the time. But that was before. She used to visit me every so often in Cambridge. I couldn't have been caught dead walking the streets during that week. I had been reduced to withering away, studying...

I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, trying to find some other fashion for my hair. I had previously decided to take my spectacles off and put in my emergency contacts. This would not be an occasion for glasses.

I slipped on my dress, took my handbag, put on my coat, and finally walked out of the house. Only to see my best mate standing outside.

"You look lovely Rose!" She squealed in stunning excitement.

"Same to you, Jazz."

Her curled red hair draped down to her waist whilst she stood with a bright straight tooth grin. Contradicting my crooked tooth smile. Her green glassy eyes were lit up by the nightlight. And her laughter lines glowed with much more prominence as she smiled. She seemed beyond happy, and I was more than pleased to give her a bone crushing hug.

"How far away is the place from here?" She asked me.

"Far enough to take the car." I laughed.

She nodded and we loaded the car and took off into the bright lights of London.


The club was crowded and the queue was as long as could be. Somehow Jazz managed to get us in and we instantly began dancing the the beat.

"This is the rhythm of the night..."

I closed my eyes. Letting my body sway and jump around as it pleased, I hadn't even taken my coat off yet.

"My life, oh yeah..."

The music thundered through the building, everyone was moving and bodies were pressed against each other simultaneously jumping and dancing. I was squished between Jazz and some strangers until the song ended. Then we found our way to the coat room and we resumed our night.

Nearly two hours zoomed by and many drinks had been consumed when I recognized the hair...


No don't trust yourself right now. It can't be him.

Due to the high amounts of alcohol in my system, I abandoned my conscience and began to walk his way, pushing away people and earning myself some dirty looks as I did. He was with some people who looked vaguely familiar...

I stood behind him and tapped his back, or rather the leather jacket that draped his back. It would be no use to say his name in this place.

His friends saw me before he did, even after I had tapped him. They pointed to me and he turned around. I almost hiccuped when I saw his face, much better than I remembered.

His eyes widened at the sight of me, and the song switched to Of the Night once more. "Why haven't you called me?" I shouted over the noise around us.

He didn't answer me. Dan just continued to stare at me with awe present in his face.

"Answer me dammit!" I shouted again. I felt loopy and out of it now.

"I-I-" he began to stutter when I completely cut him off and did what I had felt like doing. I put my hand on the back of his neck and lowered him down to my hight.

What. What. What am I doing?

I took a moment to look into his eyes before my lips touched his.

Oh god, Rosemary.

He stilled and didn't move for a second, then when he seemed to have finally made up his mind, he kissed me back with gusto.

His hands cupped my face and held my waist. I didn't know what to feel, I felt so many different emotions and different feelings that I couldn't comprehend what was happening. My conscience was but a whisper now, I could hear echoes about my school work and PTSD but they were so far away.

People wolf-whistled and cat-called and he was kissing me harder than before.

Simply put, I liked-no adored kissing him.

His wonderful scent filled my nose, and he tasted of vodka.

He let go of me and took my hand. Not looking at me as he did so. I smiled at Jazz, who had been looking at us in awe, and walked out with him. I didn't even bring my coat.


Thank you x

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