34. Requiem for the Night of White

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May was when my sister's wedding was destined to have its glamorous debut. May, a May wedding. She had been frantically calling the whole family to summon help for any little thing she could set her eye on. Now that Fran had Rose in her good graces, they were spending an immense amount of time together.

Lord, help me.

The bow tie was constricting my breathing and my nerves were through the roof.

Fran had asked the guys - including me, to be the wedding band. The wedding band. Why us? There were plenty of other bands to nag on.

Oh right, she didn't have to pay us.

Rose had been trying to help me fix the damned tuxedo that I had borrowed from my father. The wedding was in two days time and I was freaking out. Me! Even though I wasn't in the wedding party... due to associations with Fran's Mr. Darcy. Performing in front of my family, as well as friends, made me want to shit myself. It's one thing to perform in front of strangers - thousands upon thousands - but them?! They actually know me, if I screw this up they'll rat on me and my children for the rest of this lifetime.

And I might have proclaimed my blatant love for Rosemary to Will.... and the whole fucking band. Thank the lords it didn't get to Jazz. I was about to explode. I wanted to tell her, I wanted to have this thing actually feel real. I mean, it did. It was more real than anything I have been feeling lately. But - I don't know. It wasn't like our relationship was all roses and rainbows. Sometimes it was filled with constant arguing. But she had to love me, she had to. Her mannerisms, her grace, her small remarks that she probably doesn't even realize she let spill. I was hopeless.

"Dan, stop moving!" she exclaimed, her hands were on my shoulders and she seemed to be trying to weave her way around a button.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Um, I don't know. Stand still and not get poked with a fucking safety pin!"

She was now attempting to adjust my collar. This was going to be swell. Considering the fact that I had to open cans for her, to which she always got infuriated over.

"You can't even open bottles with those hands, what makes you think you can correct a faulty collar?" I snapped.

"Do you want me to stab you?" she hissed.

Yes, but only with love.

"No." I mumbled.

"There! I'm done. Now go look in the mirror and enjoy the feeling of looking at a ravishing sight."

See, remarks.

I felt a blush begin to creep up my cheeks and I rubbed my nose in attempt to stunt the growth. Compliments weren't my area of expertise, although I often found myself fishing for them. I ran my hand through my hair and turned to wrap my arms around her tall frame. Managing to place a kiss on her cheek before she whipped around to meet my eyes.

"I cannot look at you whilst this suit rests on your body." she whispered, looking at my lips.

"How do you manage to speak like that?" her nose was centimeters away from mine, I rubbed it against hers for good measure, earning a giggle, "What in bloody hell's name are you talking about?"

"Your dictation," I stopped and looked up,"is anything but rudimentary. How do you dictate something so dignified?"

She chuckled, "That's most likely due to the fact that I read so many textbooks. I sound like one." she smiled, still looking at my lips, biting her own, "I could tone it down if you want. Match your words." She added with a small smile.

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