1. Scientifically Speaking

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Science is broad subject, a plethora of unimaginable universes. Which are defined by me, as downright puzzling. I have always favored the ideas and theories that spanned over many areas over anything else. The existential thoughts brought solace to my mind. Which was quite an oxymoron if you thought about it.

Studying in the harsh Cambridge winter was something worthy of an award. So many students got up every morning at the butt crack of dawn to walk in the snow and attend their classes.

I was one of those students.

I was also the designated introvert of my class, spending most of my days locked in my flat reading about brain theories... or if I was feeling rebellious, stalking my exes online. I had taken it upon myself to create my thesis on the subject matter of love. Sure, I wasn't getting my residency yet, but the idea always fascinated me. Chemical reactions in the brain, which make you do stupid, trifle things. Over someone who probably wasn't worth it.

Despite what one might think, I did attempt at not being a bore, or a walking negate to those around me. Although my 'uptight disposition' as described by my sister, was what was keeping me back. How would she know, she was sixteen and hadn't lived a day in her life. I guess that was where the winter holidays came to entice me.

The cold breeze of the night pierced my skin as soon as I stepped out of the doorway. I was momentarily paralyzed and felt as if my body had been doused in freezing water. Why must it be so cold? As if there was any other way to punish humanity.

With a whimper I tugged on my suitcase and dragged it out the door, locking my flat afterward. Although it was a cold night, it was stunning. Couples walking the streets, the shops illuminated for the holidays. I loved it here. But I was going home, to the people of my immediate bloodline.

Hesitant wasn't the word, I was downright nervous of going home to my family. Their ways were rather odd. I stopped pondering and walked toward the train station that wasn't far from where I lived. When I arrived I simply waited, handed my ticket to the teller and made my way to the platform.

*Bzzz bzzz*

I took out my mobile.

Diana: Rose are you on the train yet? Mum wants to know if you are safe. Get your arse back home we miss you. xx

Oh my.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as an elbow hit my forearm. My first instinct was to whip around and yell obscenities at the repugnant human being. Though, I was too late. As I looked behind me my bearings caught the sight that was twenty or so of my fellow classmates running toward the Leeds platform. I was more than bumped by the small human stampede, and eventually I was thrown to the ground.

Welcome to the holidays.

After staying on the ground for a moment more than needed, I began to pick up the spilled contents of my bags. I carefully eyed each unnecessary instrument for any trauma. Watching mercilessly for any minuscule tear, or break in what I considered myself to be stupidly attached to. I kept my gaze on a small mirror my mother had gifted to me as a shadow amongst the crowd of people approached me. The person even had the audacity to speak.

"Are you okay, miss?" A deep, slightly husky voice instigated. The person was obviously a man.

I turned my head and looked up, a kind face was staring down at me with a concerned expression. His bright unblinking blue eyes seemed to pierce my soul. They were so prominent, they never moved from my gaze.

"Yes, I presume I'm fine thank you," I said hastily. I looked down at my belongings and noticed he was wearing a pair of converse. I hadn't worn a pair since college.

"Here, let me help you." He took my hand and helped my up onto my feet, an action that had not been taken upon me for a long while.

What soft hands.

"Thank you." I smiled slightly. "May I ask where you're headed?" He raised himself on his heels, as if to be signaling a optimistic, happy tone.

"Urm... London," I muttered, barely audible. "I'm headed there as well." He smiled and dimples made their appearance on his cheeks. I allowed my own laughter lines to show, and looked down. The annoyance of being trampled faded as we stood there.

"Well, I think we should get going if we plan to make the train," He said whilst brushing his hand through his hair. He began to fiddle with some shoelaces on his wrist. He was a nervous wreck... but it somehow added to his charm.

I agreed and took my bag. We began walking side by side to platform 21. Somehow I swore this bloke looked familiar.


We boarded the train with ease and put our bags in the designated compartments, not saying a word to each other.

"Where are you sitting?" He asked.

"Right here actually..." I pointed to the seat right next to me.

"I'm in front of you." He smiled with the same shy curve, as if that was the only action he was capable of executing. We took our seats and waited for the train to depart, which only took a few moments. Once we were at a steady speed I got up and headed for the toilet.

I looked in the mirror. My chocolate brown hair was in a tight braid, and my eyes were okay. My lips were parched and I immediately applied Chapstick. It was still absurdly cold, so I had no need to take my coat and scarf off.

I shuffled back to my seat whilst adjusting my intrusive spectacles. I couldn't have those faltering now.

When I got near my seat I was surprised to find the handsome stranger siting in the lounger next to mine. I sped up and shot him an inquisitive look.

"I thought I would accompany you, it is a four hour journey." A melody a smooth as honey fell from his mouth. I didn't say anything as I uneasily took my seat once again.

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