Chapter ~15

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We pulled into the driveway and Liv unbuckled excitedly and ran out of the car to the door and Zayn smiled then looked at me.

"I promise once she is in bed we can talk about anything you want just please don't leave me again." he said looking more vulnerable then I've ever seen him.

"Okay" I said and leaned over kissing him gently then getting out of the car he got out and walked to me and grabbed my hand

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked smiling and kissing my forehead

"Honestly, anything sounds good I'm starving." I said and smiled

"Dad! Can we have burgers!?" She asked excitedly

"Sure you can and I will pull out some steaks for us babe." he said and kissed me steak sounded so good my stomach already started to rumble.

"Okay sounds amazing." I said smiling then he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him.

"I missed you so much" he said putting his forehead on mine.

"I missed you too" I said looking into his beautiful eyes and he lifted up my chin and kissed me at first gently then pulled me closer slipping his tongue into my mouth moving his lips with mine and picked me up and set me on the counter and I wrapped my legs around him leaning into him

"Damn Aria you really know how to get to me" he said pulling away leaving me to recollect and get my steady heartbeat back then Liv walked into the kitchen.

" Aria! Do want to play with me? Come on come on!" She said excitedly pulling me into the room by my finger. Her dolls were all over the ground and she was watching Frozen.

"Ooo I love Frozen" I said smiling then I grabbed a doll and she gigged excitedly and grabbed a doll as well.

"Hello miss I'm Aria" I said making her giggle more

"Hello I'm Olivia!" She said smiling

"Well Olivia do you want to play at the park?" I said with my little doll

"Yes let's go!" She said and grabbed a blanket and put it on the floor "This will be the park" she whispered

"We're here!" I said smiling and walking my doll to the blanket and making her sit and Livy set her doll by mine.

"Look it the pretty clouds" she said smiling then I looked over and saw Zayn standing by the door smiling.

"What are my girls up to?" He said looking at us and grinning

"We are playing dolls!" Livy said happily

"Well dinner is ready sweetie go wash up" he said

"Okay!" Livy said and ran out of the room and I stood up ready to go wash up as well but he pulled me back and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me lightly.

"Aria I know we have a lot to fix and I know we've been through a lot in the little time we have been together but I just want you to know and believe that your everything to me." he said looking me in the eyes

"I know I believe you and I'm not going anywhere I love you and I know that's not gonna go away."I said and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him then he smiled and grabbed my hand and we went to eat dinner.


Zayn's POV

I stared at Aria as she finished eating I swear I've never seen anyone as beautiful as her I thought then she looked at me and smiled I loved her light dimples that showed when she smiled like that.

"I'll do the dishes tonight if you want" she said smiling

"Only if you want but you don't have to baby but I will put Livy to bed after she takes her bath" I said watching Livy's eyes light up.

"Yes! A bath! Daddy can I have bubbles?!" She asked excited

"Sure thing sweety" I said I would do anything to make my baby smile she's been through a lot with her mom and I never want her to go through that again .

"Okay! Let's go daddy!" She said getting up and running to the bathroom and I followed her so I could start her bath. Afterwards I went back out and saw Aria cleaning the kitchen dancing around and humming to the music she was playing it was so cute to see her prancing around. Then she turned as if she sensed my presence and looked at me blushing.

"How long were you uhm standing there?" She asked embarrest

"Long enough to see your very graceful dance moves" I said and chuckled watching her cheeks turn red again. Then I walked over to her and grabbed her wrapping my arms around her and just hugging her and breathing in her sweet sent.

"Do you want to talk now?" I asked and saw her tense looking a bit nervous

"Yeah let's go sit" she said and took my hand as we walked over to the couch.

"I just need to say one thing before we start." I said looking into her eyes

"Okay" she said looking nervous

"You know I love you right more than anything and I hope you will be able to trust me on that and forgive me for the many mistakes I've made and hope you never stop loving me no matter what happens because Arianna I can't ever loose you." I said looking at her she was flushed.

"I know Zayn I would never fully leave you no matter what I promise." she said and smiled I wish I didn't have to tell her this... I thought to myself

" I have to tell you something" I said before I could back out


Hi c: sooo what do you think he's gonna tell her?! Haha thanks so much for reading ill try to update again later but I have tons of he but I hope I can squeeze in another chapter cuz you guys deserve it!(:

P.s if you see mistakes please let me know so I can fix it because sometimes my phone is really dumb haha xx

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