Chapter ~ 1

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Hey well here it is(:

Remember the first person who comments gets a special part in my story! (:


Why did I even come to this stupid party anyway? Social settings where never my thing. I don't even know anybody here and everyone is either passed out or coupled up making out and then there's me. Just here... I chugged the rest of my drink and got up to leave.

"Hey there I see you're all alone want to come hang out with me?" A guy said attempting to make his way over to me without falling over.

"No thanks I'll pass." I said rolling my eyes at him. I was not in the mood to deal with drunk assholes right now.

"Ah so you wanna play hard to get I see" He smirked slurring his words. "Come on come with me to my room it's a lot better than out here in the cold". He said grabbing my arm and smirking.

"Let me go now" I said angrily as I yanked my arm away from him.

"I mean let's be honestly everyone is wasted you can either come willingly or I can make you. You decide. Nobody will blink an eye either way." He tried to grab me again this time he had both my arms I was trying to wiggle and yank myself back but I couldn't break his grasp on me. I turned to yell but the music was so loud nobody could hear me and everyone was way too drunk to pay any attention to the ruckus.

"Let me go!" I screamed trying to break free. My heart was racing. This guy is so much bigger than I am I didn't know how I was getting out of this.

"What the fuck are you doing she said let her go!" Someone yelled from behind us. I turned to look at who it was and I could barely take my eyes off him. He had the best features I have ever seen. His hair was dark and seemed to fall perfectly into place. His eyes were so dreamy such a pretty golden color almost honey like. He was tall and covered in tattoos he was so mesmerizing all I could do was stare. He was perfect, he looked like the guys I knew I should stay away from but never could resist.

"Whoa man chill out, I was just tryna take my lady here upstairs she's just a little drunk so I'm helping her" The creep said looking a little frightened

"No please stop him I don't want to go. " I said as tears started to fill my eyes.

"Don't listen to her she's just drunk we're a couple we're just arguing mind your own business" the creep said tightening his grip on my arm.

"If she wants you to let her go then fucking let her go" The stranger said gripping the creep by his shirt. It was enough to make the creep let go of me as I stubbled and fell back. The creep tried to swing but the stranger dodged it and punched him straight in the face blood instantly started dripping from the creeps nose and he tried to take off running.

"Sorry about your man" the stranger said turning to me as I was fighting my tears.

"No you saved me I don't even know him he was making that up so he could take me without anyone noticing". I said "Thank you so much for helping me" I added as I got up off the ground. The look in his eye changed as I explained what happened.

"Wait here okay?" He said and took off running after the creep. Do I wait I thought. Or do I just get out of here. I looked in the distance and I could see he had caught up to the creep he grabbed him and stared beating the crap out of him and then I heard sirens. The stranger stopped and up and ran to me.

"Um thank you.. " I said nervously not being able to break his stare.

"It was no problem are you okay?" He asked his anger slowly disappearing as he slightly smiled at me. Oh my god he was so hot why the hell was he helping me. I couldn't help but just stare baffled at him he was sort of angelic.

"Uh yeah I think so it was just a really scary situation" I said as everyone pushed around us to get away before the cops came.

"Listen I know you barely know me but follow me I gotta get out of here before the cops come" he said offering me his hand.

"Why are you even here alone are you nuts?" He added as I took his hand.

"I was bored I guess." I said trying to play it off cool. Even though really I had just broken up with my asshole boyfriend for the 5th time this month and needed something to distract me.

"Well im Zayn. Zayn Malik, whats your name?"

"Im Ari " I said "Ari Benson " I added smiling shyly. Then I heard banging from inside as the cops came in.

"Oh shit the cops are coming! We need to go now!" Zayn said

I tried to make a run for it, but I fell. The room started to spin. I had forgot how much I drank I could barely walk straight.

"Shit" he said under his breath then scooped me into his arms and took off running with me down the street.


A little cliff hanger sorry(:

Well I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think!

And thanks again for reading!

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