Chapter ~ 6

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"Sorry" I said embarrassed

"Don't be I'm hungry to" he said and kissed me, then he went and got me some food.

"Here you go" he said smiling

"Thanks" I said returning the smile

"You're so beautiful" he said staring at me causing me to blush. he's so sweet... well when nobody is around because he has to be Mr. tough guy all the time.

"So are you" I said staring back at him. I love his eyes there just so beautiful and his laugh ugh I just love everything about him.

"Aww you think i'm beautiful!" he said like he was a girl while he batted his eyelashes. which caused us to both start laughing. He's also really funny, I wish he was always like this.

"Babe if I ask you a question, will you please answer me?" I asked

"Depends what it is" he said

"Tell me what you do, like what's your job?" I asked then he stiffened

"I already told you it doesn't matter" he said still tense.

"Well it does to me." I said

"Babe please not now, I want to have a special date" he said softening up a bit

"Okay well can you at least tell me a little bit about yourself, I don't know anything about you, but you know everything about me." I said "Please just tell me something" I added

"Okay fine. My parents died in a car crash and I was driving. We were going out to dinner because they wanted to catch up and I was talking to them and I wasn't paying attention to the road and" he stopped and started tearing up. "I ran a red light and we got hit and I'm the only one that made it. After that my sisters refused to talk to me and they blamed our parents death on me, and I wish I had died with them. I had nobody Babe nobody." He said with tears running down his cheeks.

"Babe no! Don't ever wish that! You have me you will always have me" I said trying to comfort him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked you to tell me anything! now I made you upset." I said starting to cry.

"No please don't cry this isn't your fault" he said wiping a tear off my cheek. It hurt to see him cry it was like seeing a puppy get beat up.

"See i'm not trying to hide anything from you its just that my life is hard to talk about" he said.

"Okay then lets not talk about life, and lets just have fun." I said

"Okay thank you" he said and we started to eat again.

"This is really good, you're more romantic then I thought you would be. I'm glad you have your walls down with me." I said smiling

"Of course baby, your all I really live for" he said looking right into my eyes.

"Aww Babe, then who did you have before me?" I asked worriedly

"Well I guess I had Niall. He has always been there for me and kept me from doing stupid shit" he said

"Well I owe him then" i said

"Why?" he asked

"Because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have you" I said smiling. He got up from where he was sitting and came over and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me. Every Time we kissed it felt like the first, even if that sounds really cliche it was true. It seems like everything around us disappears and its just me and him.

"Do you wanna go back to my place" he said in between kisses.

"Yes" I said. He walked us to his car still carrying me. he sat me down on the seat and closed the door leaving me to reconnect with the world again. He got into the car and started to drive. I looked over at him and I caught him staring at me.

"What?" i said smiling.

"What do you mean, what?" he said pretending he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Well you keep looking at me" I said still smiling.

"You're just to beautiful not to look at. I'm so lucky your mine." he said smiling.

"No i'm lucky that you are mine, have you seen yourself lately damn" I said and laughed.

"Your funny" he said laughing to.

"Well its true!" I said

"I try" he said smiling. I looked out the window and realized we were already at his house.

"Trust me Babe you don't have to try" I said smiling

"Come on" he said getting out of the car and opening my door. he takes my hand and we walk inside. We make our way into his room. He shuts the door and closes the blinds. he came over grabbing me by the waist and pulled me in, I wrap my arms around his neck and we started to kiss. The similar electricity ran through my veins as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to his bed. He laid me down on the bed and started leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

"Have you ever-"

"Twice" I said cutting him off. He continued sucking on my neck. I know there will be a mark there by tomorrow morning, that's gonna be a hard to try to cover up. I took his shirt off and ran my hands across his abs. He let out a moan against my lips when I placed my hand on his bulge. We both stripped down till we were completely naked.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked looking into my eyes

"I'm sure" I said I said giving him a reassuring smile before he slid inside me.

I winced as I took it in and then I bit my lip and closed my eyes.


Your welcome! HAHAHA

(This is Espy's friend Natalie! I added the details about the sex! Thought i should make this chapter interesting!)

Anyways sorry i haven't updated in awhile I'm not really allowed on the computer that much! But school will be starting soon and I will mostly like start updating every weekend once school starts!

follow me on twitter i follow back! (@Last_Espy)

please vote and comment!! xx

Dark Zayn (Zayn Malik fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora