Chapter ~ 9

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"When do you think I should tell her?" I asked

"As soon as you can and probably some where private" Niall said

"No I thought it would be nice to tell her over a nice family dinner with her parents" I said sarcastically and laughed

"Hold up its Ariana" I said answering my phone

"Hey baby girl" I said

"Hey babe, I was just wondering if we could cut it short today and just spend time together and talk because I just want to be with you... alone." she said

"Yeah of course what do you want to do?" I asked

"Uh i don't know go see a movie or something, I don't mind people over but like later I want us to just be together" she said

"Okay well why don't you guys come back and see if Natalie and Louis want to come down then we can all hang for a while then when they leave we can have some alone time" I said

"Okay sounds good thanks babe" she said

"Anything for you" I said

"Well I got to go we will eat and then head over" she said

"Okay bye love you" i said

"Love you too bye" she said then hung up

"Perfect you can tell her when you guys have your alone time" he said and raised his eye brows and winked "But don't tell her when she is blowing you she might choke or worse.. bite" he said and laughed

"Shut up Niall" I said and punched his arm laughing "You're an idiot"

Ariana's P.O.V.

I swear I heard Harry's voice I thought to myself trying to look for them and then I spotted the little girl and looked by her and saw him, it was Harry I knew it! Oh my god I haven't seen him since him and Natalie's blowout when he cheated I wonder if that is the skank he cheated on Natalie with. I just hope that Zayn isn't connected with them. I don't think its possible it has to be another Zayn... Zayn loves me I know he would of told me if he had a kid.. that's not something you hide from someone you love... but i'm not worried I love him I know I can trust him or at least I hope.

"There you are! I waited a while but you never showed up" Kelsey said

"Sorry I saw Natalie's ex Harry" I said

"Harry Styles?" she asked

"Yeah you know him?" I asked her confused

"Yeah Niall had him over one time a really long time ago I don't really remember but I defiantly recognize the name. He was brown curly hair and dimples right and maybe green eyes? I remember them being really pretty but that's really it I only met him once" she said " I guess that him and Zayn were like best friends, but then Zayn's ex cheated on him with Harry and then I guess they got into this huge fight and Zayn got arrested and everything and he ended up putting Harry in the hospital and when Zayn got out they never talked again, but that's all Niall told me he didn't really say much its not his favorite subject" she said

"What was his girlfriends name?" I asked

"Uh I don't remember its been a long time I just know that she cheated I never met her I was locked out of Niall's life for a long time before he finally opened up to me so I didn't really even know Zayn tell like less than a year ago so I don't know much about him. Niall still hasn't even told me his job yet, but I love him so guess that's all that matters" she said and smiled

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