Chapter ~ 3

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Hey guys It's Espy!

I'm sorry I'm not on much! but I can't go on the computer that often and I usually went on at school but then they blocked wattpad!! )':

So I can't go on as much but thanks for reading I love you all! Please follow me and I promise I'll follow back!! also please follow @Kelsluvsu she is super sweet and my very first comment!!! :D

Thanks hun! You're in this chapter and you will probably be in and out throughout my story! So I hope you like it!! and for being one of the first comments this is dedicated to you! <3

I can still add more people and If you are a guy you can comment too! I love guy fans(:!

Well heres Chapter 3! and thanks again for reading!! (;


"What? You don't remember me"" he asked smiling then I looked a little closer at him and realized it was the creep from the bar that tried to take me. SHIT! How the fuck did he find me?! I thought to myself as my heart started pounding.

"Nope, are you the plumber?" I said trying to be sassy and act like I wasn't scared.

"Well, maybe if I come closer than I can refresh your memory" he said.

"No get the fuck away from me." I said backing up and trying to reach for the doorknob.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" he said

"Oh yeah? Well try and stop me!" I said angrily.

"Oh I will, just you wait." he said and started coming towards me so I opened my mouth to scream for help, but he got to me to fast and put his hand over my mouth and punched my right hip aiming for my bone knowing that would hurt the most. Then I fell to the ground gasping.

"You will be sorry for doing that." I said "Zayn is going to kill you!"

"Really thats funny because he will never find out because if you tell him I will hurt him or your little friend in the other room so you better not mention anything to them or I swear to God I will hurt them and it will be all your fault. " he said and stormed out the room and out of the window. What the fuck was that? Is he stalking me now and why did I bring up Zayn? I just met him and he looked like trouble. I have always liked bad boys, but NO I promised no more. I tried to convince myself, but something in me longed for his protection.


"Arianna?" Natalie said walking in my room "What are you doing on the floor?" Then all the memories from what happened popped in my head and I pushed it down trying not to think about it. I must have passed out on the floor..

"Uhh.... I don't know I was just so tired I must have just passed out." I said hoping my lie was convincing enough. I didn't want to go into detail.

"Oh okay.. well there is a really hot guy at the door asking for you. I think it is the boy that brought you home last night, but I'm not sure. Anyways he said his name is Zayn and you met yesterday. So if i were you I would clean up and change and come downstairs." she said with a cheesy grin. I just glared at her.

"I will explain everything later" I said

"Okay well hurry, he isn't very patient" she said

"Yeah I know!" I said getting up

"Ow! Shit!" I yelped as I got up my hip hurts so bad where he punched me.


"Nothing.. later, I will tell you everything but for now get out and let me change" I said shooing her out.

"Okay okay!" she said and stuck her tongue out. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a simple tank top and yoga pants. I took my shirt off to put my tank top on and there is a huge nasty bruise right where my hipbone was. Shit! It hurts so bad I hope it isn't broken.. I carefully slipped my yoga pants on and put my hair up in a messy bun grabbed my big sweater and walked out of my room, trying not to make it noticeable that i was in pain.

"Hey, sleeping beauty" Zayn said smiling

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked

"Well... Can we go in your room and talk?" he said glaring at Natalie who was just watching us like a creep.

"Uhh... I don't... Well okay fine" I said giving in and remembering how stubborn he is.

"Okay thanks" he said as we walked to my room.

"Okay explain" I said shutting my bedroom door.

"I can't really tell you anything I'm sorry, but all I know is that I want to be with you."

"But you just met me?" I said getting up off the bed

"I know but trust me I lo-"

"No stop don't even try to finish that!" I said walking towards the door

"I'm sorry please don't go" He said getting up "This may seem a bit weird but I've been watching you for a long time and I tried to stop and just leave you alone but I just couldn't please just give me a chance to explain myself." Zayn pleaded.

"Look I don't even know you I'm sorry" I said and slowly opened the door.

"Please I love you I just know I do I can't picture myself without you as soon as I saw you I couldn't stop thinking about you and you kept running through my head and like I said I tried to stay away so I didn't freak you out but I feel like I need to protect you and I kept finding myself close to your house and I just couldn't stay away any longer and when I saw that guy and I almost lost it I don't mean to scare you I just can't keep myself away any longer please don't leave.." he said

"You are very attractive and if I was still the old me I would be all over you, but I'm not that girl anymore. I just can't be with you I promised myself no more bad boys it has ended terrible for me before and I just can't stand getting hurt again." I said wiping away my tears and I shut the door and went and sat next to him again. No one has ever said something that sweet to me before.

"I swear I would never hurt you I put that on everything that I am, I put that on my life and if anybody does hurt you I will kill them I know you have never talked to me or seen me but I have seen you a lot and I just can't stay away please trust me on that." he said. He grabbed me by my bruised hip and i winced in pain.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! What happened?" he said lifting up my shirt a little. "Who the fuck did that to you!?" he said angrily

"No.. No one" I said as his voice went through my mind. "I just hit my hip on my bedpost as I was walking to my closet" I said convincingly, but before he could reply his phone went off.

"Hello?" Zayn answered the phone still slightly touching my hip bone.

"Hey is Niall with you?" I heard a girls voice on the other line.

"No I don't know where he is, is this Kelsey?" he asked.

"Yeah, when I woke up he was gone?" Kelsey said

"Well if I see him I will tell him to give you a call" he said

"Okay thanks" she said

"No problem, later Kels!" he said as he hung-up the phone.

"Who is Kelsey?" I asked Zayn

"She is Nialls girlfriend they have been together for a long time, he talks about her alot and he is pretty much in love with her. I'm a little confused because he would've left a note or something for her?" he said running his fingers through his hair. All of the sudden the door busted open.

"Zayn! Mac is pissed! Did you not get the money last night?!" Niall asked worriedly. WTF Natalie?! Why is she letting people she doesn't even know into the house? Oh wait hes hot I get it but what if he was a creep like the guy last night UGH! I'm going to have to have a serious talk with her without giving it all away.

"No not all of it, but I will have the rest tonight." Zayn said

"Okay well message from the boss, he said hurry and get his fucking money or you will be sorry and so will she." Niall said pointing at me.

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