Ships (100K)

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Have you seen???!!! 100 F *** ING thousand readings thanks to you. I hardly know how many people became, but I'm so proud of myself, you guys ... of us all. I really hope you like what I write even though I haven't been as active lately and that my chapters have been relatively short lately. But thanks anyway. 
Have you seen the movie Big Hero 6? I have, at least, I did when it went on to buy DVD a few years ago. And I would like to show you some ships I am in love with.This is an honest assessment of ships. 
When I make a ship with Hiro then imagine that he is the same age as the rest of the gang so that no one misunderstands it as pedophilia.

Hiro and Honey Lemon
Honey pulls Hiro into her joyous land with puppies pooping jelly candy. He can see her joy as innocent and beautiful in a world full of horrors and loss. But sometimes in dark times, her optinism becomes annoying and it can end in a frenzy. But during every argument they have, it ends with one of them crying and it's not Hiro who tears. To apologize he always comes with a small chocolate bar and a big hug.

I think they would be so cute together, it's realsitism meets optimistic. 

Hiro and Go Go
He would say greasy comments and quotes from romantic movies he loves but she hates. And every time she says something like that, she hits him on the arm. She is the "man" in the relationship with her tough attitude.

When he looks at her with puppy eyes she tells him "get your shit together". But on Friday nights, she is a little ball under the blanket with her head against his chest as they watch horror movies that she gets nightmares from. But every time he asks if she is scared she lies and he knows it. I think they would be cute together but I don't ship them together.  

Hiro and Fred
Hiro first met Fred at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where he gave Hiro a little scar, as Fred was wearing his mascot outfit at the time, before reassuring Hiro that he is a guy in a lizard-like suit and it is not his "real face and body". Together, they look in comic books and make catching grimaces for each other before kissing each other. 

Hiro and Wasabi
Hiro first met Wasabi at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where he welcomed Hiro to the lab before showing him his project. On the days leading to the showcase, Wasabi and a few of his collage friends, Honey Lemon, Fred and Go Go spend time with Hiro and helped him to bring his inventions to it on the day. Where he offers Hiro a few things that could help him get through any worries he may have about stating on stage and presenting his microbots. While Hiro was able to get in SFIT, Tadashi was later killed in a fire Wasabi tries to help Hiro through his grief, with the support of Honey Lemon, Fred and Go Go, but ended up being pushed away by him until they followed Hiro to the docks and encountered Yokai.

Wasabi and Go Go
 Go Go and Wasabi are students that attend SFIT, where they are classmates and friends. At times she borrows some of Wasabi's tools, where her grabbing the required tool in a rush has led to Go Go messing up Wasabi's orderly system. He is overprotective of her and always makes sure to bring an extra jacket for her when they go out in the winter so she doesn't freeze. As soon as she sneezes, he is analysing what illness she may have and how he can take care of her. For the most part, Go Go does dumb things so she can get his attention both before and after they stayed together. 

These were some ships. Just one quick question ... How do you write her name? Do you spell it Gogo, Go Go or Go-Go? 

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