In the liberary

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"You like me." He sade.

Betty's head snapped sharply towards the taunting voice that spoke. She narrowed her eyes accusingly, "I do not. Stop dreaming aloud." Jughead perched his foot up on the wooden chair in front of him, his green eyes looking Betty up and down almost lustfully, "Yeah, you do," he smirked, "If you didn't like me, you wouldn't be here right now."

She paused as she thought about his words. He wasn't wrong, she had no reason to actually be here with him right now. She had finished tour guiding on Friday, and though it was now the following Monday and Weatherbee had given her the 'thank you for doing this' speech, she still found herself in an empty library with the most notorious student at Riverdale High. Why was she here?

"I just have a lot of studying to do. I don't want to leave."

He shrugged his shoulders, the leather of his jacket making an eerie noise as it rubbed together. "You don't have to make excuses to hang out with me, Betts. All you have to do is ask," he smirked as he leaned over and placed a finger under chin lovingly, "I'll always say yes to you."

"You make it seem like I can just waltz right up to you and ask for your time," she chortled, "You're not an open book, Jughead Jones. You elicit fear into people." Jughead watched her as she spoke. He always loved the feeling of being feared, people didn't mess with him that way, he hated to have to beat people up but sometimes he had to. Archie being a very good example of that. He didn't start that fight, the ginger did.

The thought of Betty being scared of him though, that wasn't a thought he enjoyed. She didn't have any reason to fear when it came to him. He'd never hurt her. "Do I..." he struggled to find his words, "Do I scare you?"


His shoulders sagged and he relaxed. "Good."

Where's your boy toy?" Betty lifted her head almost immediately and looked away from Jughead.

Truthfully, she had no idea where Archie was. He said he was going to football practice and that he would see her after school, though after Vixen practice she waited for him in the quad for a half hour and when he didn't arrive she decided to go find him herself. Turns out, according to Reggie, there was no practice today. She was confused and didn't know where to turn. Kevin had already left for the day and Veronica never came to school, she couldn't ask either of them. So, she was left in her Vixen uniform, sitting in the quad on her own. Until, a certain Serpent showed.

"I don't know," she replied honestly. Her fists clenched, tightening the more she thought about the situation. Archie was supposed to be there for her and not only was he not there for her, he didn't even have the decency to send her a text explaining the situation. She was abandoned by the person she thought would have her back through anything.

"Screw him anyway. He seems like a shitty boyfriend." Clearly, that didn't work. Betty only turned away further and clenched her fists tighter. Jughead looked down to her hand and noticed her knuckles turning white. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her wrists, "What are you doing?"

Betty ripped her hands away from him instantly, her fingers still balled, "Don't." She said aggressively.

He loved a challenge, he quickly swiped her wrists again and turned her hands over, "What the hell is this, Betty?" He growled as he forcefully uncurled her fingers. Red crescent moons adorning her soft fleshy palm. He held her hands up, "What are you doing to yourself?" He questioned her angrily. Betty looked away from him, she didn't owe him an answer. She didn't know him.

Betty abruptly stood, breaking his grasp in the process, and moved to walk away. Jughead was faster though, much faster. He side stepped her and grabbed her upper arm, shoving her backwards onto a bookshelf perched against the brick wall. Betty gasped at the sudden change, the air almost getting knocked out of her. "Jughead..."

He growled in her ear, "Stop hurting yourself."

She scowled, "Stop acting like you care, you don't. You just want me in your bed, you think I'm a quick lay and that couldn't be anymore further than the truth." She spat in his face, "You don't care about me, so stop trying to string me along. Get another girl-"

Jughead cut her off quickly by forcefully kissing her lips. Betty immediately pulled away and slapped him in his face. A soft tint of blood from her palm on his cheek, blending in nicely with the red hand print she left. Jughead shoved her against the bookshelf roughly, books falling to the floor as he let an animalistic sound escape his lips, "Don't fucking do that again," he warned.

She grabbed his collar, attempting to be as intimidating and confident as she felt, "Or else what, Serpent?"

He narrowed his eyes and let his wide hand graze up the side of her bare thighs, "This uniform," he tugged at the hem of her cheerleader skirt, "Will be on the floor," he placed his forehead on to her own, his lips ghosting hers. "I'm sure that's not what you want," he teased.

Betty felt a fire ignite in her stomach, her core ached and she felt hot. She had never been in a situation like this before, surprisingly every time Betty had wanted to start something in a private public setting, Archie would always shoot her down. The fact Jughead stood here, one of her bare legs hooked around his waist with his hand nearly under her skirt, skimming the lace underneath while his other hand caged her in against the wall, so close in got her blood flowing. She knew nothing could ever happen between them, she was not only someone's girlfriend...he was a Serpent. Not that she wouldn't go for it, even though she wouldn't, he wouldn't go for it.

"Sounds like a threat," he taunted him. Jughead leaned his head to the side as he bit her ear, "Not a threat, Betts. A promise."

Betty couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her lips as he bit her ear and it was as if something in Jughead erupted as his eyes darkened and he closed the space in between their faces. Their lips furiously finding each other. Jughead hoisted her other leg, both hooked around his waist, his hands exploring the skin on the underside of her thigh, upward to her ass.

The blonde moaned noisily in his ear as he nipped at her bottom lip and sucked on it. Her core bursting into flames as he grinded himself into her. She felt his manhood harden painfully against his jeans and suddenly felt herself slowly becoming undone. She had a devil and an angel on her shoulder telling her to do two different things and she knew the angel was right. Archie didn't deserve this, he had never done her wrong. Aside from today, he was the perfect boyfriend, always. Though, the devil sounded promising, Jughead was exciting, Jughead was mysterious. Jughead made her come to life.

Betty found herself bucking her hips against him, trying to create more friction between the two as he explored her neck with his lips and her ass with his hands. Grabbing fistfuls, sure to leave a bruise.

"Oh Betts," Jughead groaned against her skin.

She felt the heat build-up in her stomach and threw her head back as he left wet kisses down her neck, to her collarbone and down to the valley of her breast. On all the exposed skin her tank top allowed. "Fuck," she whimpered as she felt herself become undone, soaking her panties.

Jughead smirked as he slowly placed her feet back down on the ground, her legs shaky. "What the fuck did we just do?" She said, instant guilt eating at her. Jughead's smirk only widened, "You, just orgasmed while we made out and I dry fucked you."

Betty's eyes widened in realization. "Fuck," Jughead chuckled, "Yes, that's what you said before you orgasmed." She swatted him, "No, asshole. Archie, he doesn't deserve this."

The man rolled his eyes, "Whatever. You enjoyed it, so did I. It was only a matter of time, and it won't be the last either. Next time, hopefully with less clothing," he fantasized. Betty looked at him, horror all over her face, "Hello?! I have a boyfriend! There will be no next time."

He only shrugged his shoulders, his smugness all over his face, "Tell me you didn't like it. That you didn't love it." Betty looked away from him, the guilt gnawing at her. "See. You can't help how you feel."

"Jughead..." she trailed off unsure of what to say. "I-"

"Betty?! Betty?!"

Betty's head snapped towards Jughead quickly, "Shit! That's Archie!"

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