The party

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The music flowed through Betty as she threw her hands up in the night air. She got lost in the beat, and swung her hips around in small circles. Dancing had always been her escape, despite being around a group of people she wasn't familiar with. Losing her hands in her hair, she smiled once she felt someone standing behind her, placing their calloused hands on her hips. Following her motion.

She threw her head back, and let it rest against his chest as she danced against him. Innocently grinded against the taller guy. "You're treading dangerous water," he growled lowly into her ear. She felt the reverb against her neck and swallowed hard, she already knew she was but she needed this. She needed this release, she needed to feel carefree for a night. She wanted to forget her worries, her parents, Archie.

She smiled, and leaned her head to the side slightly, her long blonde hair falling to one side. He took in the creamy skin adorning her neck, and scowled slightly before lowering his head and placing a feathery kiss on her neck. Betty shivered, and felt him move his hands from her hips to firmly wrap his arms around her waist.

It was as if the music started to drown out as the dark-haired male planted kisses all over her neck. Betty whimpered as the kisses became more fervent. Jughead felt his eyes darken as his judgement started to get clouded. He knew he couldn't do everything he wanted to the blonde in his arms in the middle of a party. He so badly wanted to, though.

Betty swayed her hips into him further, she knew she was getting to him by the way his grip kept tightening. She knew it would've been painful, if she wasn't on a high from the way he was kissing her neck. She expertly turned in his arms without breaking his grip, immediately green met blue and they shared an intense stare. Betty felt as if she was exposed, she had never been looked at the way Jughead was looking at her. As if he was seeing her soul, as if she was baring it all for him. It made her nervous, she chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Still not breaking the eye contact, Jughead furrowed his eyebrows. His fingers curling into her exposed sides.

He dipped his head to her height and whispered, "Stop doing that," he said before catching her off guard and closing the space in between them. Betty gasped slightly, affectively releasing her lip and letting Jughead gain access to her mouth. He skilfully slid his tongue into her mouth, and almost groaned at the feeling. She tasted sweet. He wasn't surprised. Her taste was intoxicating and he suddenly couldn't get enough.

He pulled her closer to his body and heard her squeak, he smirked once he felt her using her own tongue to battle him for dominance. He knew he'd have to stop himself sooner or later, this wasn't the place for him to finally have her nor was it the time, really. However, he felt his body yelling at him to not stop. Continue, continue. His heart told him, but he knew better.


Jughead rolled his eyes, immediately pulled out of his trance with the blonde in front of him at that he sound of his boy's voice. He turned to look at Joaquin, one of his most loyal followers. The longer haired male ran towards him, taking a second to look at the dazed female who sported Jughead's jacket. He focused back on his leader and nodded his head towards the pathway, "We got a situation." Jughead followed his gaze and saw a few students walking towards the bonfire, students he recognized from Riverdale High.

He narrowed his eyes and turned to Betty, "I got to deal with something, Betts. Will you be ok on your own?" Betty furrowed her eyebrows, slowly gaining her common sense, "No, I want to come Juggie." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Fine. But stay behind me, alright?" She nodded her head quickly and followed him, Joaquin beside them.

"Whoa, what are you Vixens doing here?" Jughead said, fake enthusiasm lacing his voice. One guy, who Jughead remembered tried attacking him in the library, Chuck, spoke up first. "Free country, Serpent. We can be where we want. Feel free to leave."

Jughead nodded his head, "Yeah? Alright. Well, enjoy the party. Make yourself feel at home," he smirked, "Be careful though, snakes love to hide in deserted areas like this," he stated before walking away. Betty still behind him.


Betty looked at Chuck, his eyes widened in surprise, "So, Arch was right? You are a Serpent slut?" Betty felt her eyes water at his words, the past week flashing through her mind all over again at an alarming rate. Betty felt her lip quiver, "No. Shut up, Chuck!"

Jughead heard Betty's shout and immediately turned on his heels, now aware she hadn't followed him back to the fire. He rounded on the group of football players, mildly aware that Betty had shed his jacket and given it to Joaquin. He knew he probably shouldn't feel insulted, because Betty had already gone through a lot with just the rumors and no concrete evidence of anything and she didn't need them seeing her wearing his jacket. But, he did feel insulted. He shrugged the feeling off and narrowed his eyes at Chuck, "I suggest you leave her alone, unless you want a repeat of two weeks ago."

Chuck scowled and spat at the ground by Jughead's feet, "Fucking, Snakes. Can't stand them," he growled, "Let's go guys, this place is too venomous." Jughead watched as the football team rolled out. Their cars speeding off into the distance.

Betty frowned and wrapped her arms around her body, her now exposed arms feeling the harsh cold of the night. Jughead wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Ignore them, they're all dumb." Betty just nodded her head, "Can we go back home?" Jughead nodded his head. "Let's go," he led her back down the path and towards his bike.

On the way, Jughead noticed a convertible parked in the dirt, not too far from his bike. He nodded towards it, "Look, your pals just don't get the hint. We're the peaceful ones, they just keep coming for trouble."

Jughead noticed how silent Betty had been and looked towards her, looking away from the drop-top vehicle. "Betty?" He questioned, her eyes narrowed and glued to the car. "Betts..."

She dropped the helmet to the ground and slowly inched forward to the car, Jughead immediately grabbed her arm, "What are you doing?" She yanked it from his hold, "Stop, Jughead!" She hissed. Jughead stepped back and watched as she pulled the door to the convertible open.

All Jughead saw was a flash of black hair and a flash of ginger before everything went to shit.

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