The serpents boy

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Betty Cooper does everything for everyone, she has become the one everyone wants her to be. But what does she want ...
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Betty Cooper goes hand in hand with her boyfriend the boy next door archie Andrews in the corridor of the riverdale high. Betty dresses in a pink blouse and bright light blue pants and her hair set in a tight ponytail. She and her boyfriend stayed at a cabinet where their friends stood. There Veronica and Kevin stood and prepared. "How was your weekend, V?" The blond Female asked.

Veronica smiled widely, "Amazing," she sang, "Since mom felt so bad for last minute ditching me, she sent over the entire crew from Amy's Nail and Hair, and I have never felt so pampered in my life. Ten hours of amazingness."

Betty smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. "How about you two?"

Archie leaned forward and planted a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek, I had a great weekend. Dad bought tickets for Kev and I to join him and Officer Keller at the arena all weekend." He smirked as he and Kevin started to play spar, "Punching, hits, and kicks," he said as he mocked, "It was dope."

"Remind me to thank your dad again, I have never been around so much testosterone at once." The group laughed.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the school, all jumping out and walking inside together like every day. Thankfully, all their lockers were nearby, if not beside each other. "This weekend, mom is talking about traveling down South to our cottage." Archie shot Veronica a look Betty couldn't read, "South? Like where the snakes live?" Veronica shrugged, "A little further down."

"Wasn't there a flash flood down South, though? Isn't everything almost completely underwater?"

Archie chuckled, "Good. I hear snakes can't float. Let them drown."

"No. But we can swim."

There was a change in the atmosphere, as the rough grizzly voice sounded off. It sent goosebumps up and down her arms and made the hair on the back of her neck stand. It was as if the air got thick, and everyone stopped breathing. Who was this guy?

"Yeah? How unfortunate," Archie challenged back. Annoyed at the guy who dared to fight back. "For you," the handsome stranger glared back at the copper headed male.

Veronica stepped forward, having seen the leather jacket he wore proudly, "'s okay. Chill." The stranger smirked, "Yeah...Archie," he mocked. Archie maneuvered away from Veronica, not liking the fact his manhood had been challenged. Who was this guy to come into his school and act as if he ran things? Archie squared his shoulders.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

The dark male narrowed his eyes, "The man you wish you could be." Archie clenched his fists and winded backwards, throwing his fist in the direction of the strangers face. However, too slow, the leather jacket clad male dodged his hit, gripped Archie's collar shoving him backwards into the lockers before winded his head back and colliding his forehead below Archie's eye.

The letterman jacket teen fell to the ground in a heap. Veronica and Betty rushing to his aid, Veronica reaching first. Betty stared at the retreating male's figure as he walked on like nothing had happened and watched as Kevin stood in shock. What had just happened?

"Elizabeth Cooper please come down to Principal Weatherbee's office, I repeat, Elizabeth Cooper to the Principal's office."

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