Fuck archoe!

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Veronica felt her chest rising and falling rapidly as she attempted to gain her breath. Whatever Archie did a few hours ago gave him a rush of adrenaline because as soon as he got home, he texted her and not even ten minutes later he was destroying her insides. She loved this side of Archie, the aggressive side that left bruises on her body in the morning.

She turned on her side to look at the panting male beside her, face as red as his hair, "What's going on, Archikins?"

Archie turned his naked body to look at the woman beside him. He was unsure of what to tell her or where to start, he knew he wasn't going to tell her he nearly got beaten up by the Serpent again because he'd be damned if he was emasculated by a Snake. "I broke up with her."


He nodded, the sweat from his forehead matting his hair, "Yeah, I broke up with her. I told her the truth, I was falling out of love with her." Veronica smiled broadly, flashing her dazzling pearly white teeth. She rolled over and pressed her bare chest to him, Archie gritted his teeth as her erect nipples touched him. He put a hand on her waist tightly, this is where he wanted to be.

"So, now that means we can be together publicly."

Archie shook his head this time, "No, not right now. It'll look too suspicious. We need to give it time," he explained to her. Veronica frowned, "Archie," she whined, "I've waited so long for you to be mine. It's time." Archie sighed and kissed her nose, "Exactly, you've waited this long already. You can wait a month or two more. Don't worry, V. You'll have me all to yourself publicly soon."

She sighed and flopped onto her back, "I better..." she trailed off, "I have to go."

"Why? Where?"

She stood to her feet and collected her clothes off his bedroom floor, being sure to avoid the window mirroring Betty's bedroom. "Well, you just dumped my best friend. I have to go comfort her."

The irony in the situation wasn't lost on either of them.

Betty felt her heart ache as she watched the photos of her and her long-time boyfriend burn. She didn't expect such a reaction from him, she knew he disliked Jughead but didn't realize it was so intense to the point he would sever their relationship over it.

Then again, she supposed she always knew.

Something had changed in their dynamic, over the last few months nothing was really normal anymore. When Archie kissed her, it was too cold. She'd be lying to herself if she said she didn't feel the love depleting slowly. She just wished it wasn't.

If she could do it again and do it differently, take Jughead's jacket from him, she wouldn't. Jughead, despite popular belief, was a very nice guy. Nicer than Archie had been the past few days. Serpent or not, he was human and had real life feelings too. Despite not liking them being shown, it was Jughead who sat in the empty library and rocked her until her tears stopped flowing. It was Jughead who had played with her hair and rubbed her back until she felt like she could breathe again.

Not Archie.

She wanted to take this new-found time and get to know Jughead, on a personal level. She just didn't want him to think that now she and Archie are over, she's using him. That was definitely not the case.

The knock on her bedroom door is what brought her out of her thoughts. A few seconds later, black hair appeared. "B?"

Betty looked up at her best friend and frowned, she felt the new tears springing in her eyes as she looked on. The sight of comfort and sympathy from her best friend making her sad all over again, "Veronica...it hurts."

Veronica matched Betty's frown and moved forward, immediately wrapping her arms around the blonde. "Oh, Betty. It's going to be okay, for all you know this could just be a break. Maybe you will get back together." Veronica rubbed her back soothingly.

Betty just shook her head, her ponytail loosening, "No, V. You weren't there, it was horrible. He just said things to me that I never thought he was capable of. Archie had always been so nice and sweet to me, he broke my heart into a million pieces, Roni. He told me..." she choked on her words, "He told me he didn't love me anymore."

Although Veronica was ecstatic about the break up and it resulting in the fact she could now be with Archie, without having to hide it. She was curious, Archie never told her what resulted in the break up and why he did it. So, she needed to know, "Why though, B? What happened?"

Betty just shook her head, her head buried in Veronica's lap, "I don't know. I didn't do anything!" She sobbed, Archie was all she knew. Archie was all she really had, the only normalcy in her life. It hurt knowing she could never have him again.

"But where were you, or what were you doing?"

Sniffling into her best friends lap she sighed, "I was in the library after practice, Archie said he was going to pick me up...he didn't. He lied to me," she cried, "I waited for him for so long but Reggie told me there was no football practice and Archie wasn't in the locker room."

Veronica bit her lip, "That's so weird," she said feigning shock. She knew where Archie was, he was inside of her. Only a small part of her felt guilty, but the bigger part of her didn't, Betty had everything going for her. It was time Veronica got selfish. Betty nodded her head, "Right! So, I was sitting on my own, I didn't know what to do. Jughead came though-"

"That damn Serpent," she spat in disgust.

Betty sat up, "V, no. He's a nice guy."

Narrowing her eyes at the blonde beside her, Veronica raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean, nice guy? B, he beat up Archie! He deserves to hurt." She said as if Betty had two heads. Betty sighed, "Archie showed up after a while, he came in the library and saw Jughead. He tried to fight him, he Reggie and Chuck. Jughead took all three of them though," she said with a hint of a smile on her lips.

Veronica just watched with curiosity. She didn't know what to make of her innocent best friend trying to be friends with a criminal. It threw her way off. "Archie even pulled a knife out on Jughead, but Jughead took him down easily." Veronica rolled her eyes, she knew about the knife. It was hers. She leant it to Archie.

"But where in this does he break up with you?" She asked carefully.

Betty looked down, "Jughead took his jacket off and I took it from him, Archie snapped. He called me a slut, and accused me of things I never thought of. He broke up with me and told me he didn't love me anymore, right there on the spot and he and the guys walked out. Jughead comforted me..." she trailed off as she wrapped her arms around her body, "I never want to see Archie again. I absolutely hate him," she stated.

Veronica had to stop the smirk forming on her lips. She didn't really care about Betty's issues, she was more focused on the fact she and Archie being together publicly seemed to get closer and closer every day. She couldn't wait. "What if he wanted you back?"

Betty frowned at the thought, she wondered that herself. Archie had a way of pulling her back and forth, he knew this too. At one point, he took advantage of it. He grew up and grew out of it though, and now Betty was gladder than ever. She wasn't sure what she would do back then if Archie had broken her heart and asked for her back later. But now, after she heard the one guy that was supposed to love her call her a Serpent slut, and accuse her of wanting to sleep with another. She knew.

"Fuck, Archie."

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