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Veronica smirked to herself once she hung up her phone. She was determined to bring Betty down, or at least back to how she used to be. She wasn't going to be outshined by a blonde who suddenly found her sex appeal. Cheryl wasn't a competition, and she already had her in check. If she and Betty were going to be friends again, Betty would have to be knocked down a few notches.


The raven-haired beauty just shook her head with a playful smile, "Oh Archikins, when will people learn to stop crossing me?" She asked him rhetorically. Taking a perfectly manicured hand and dragging it down his muscled arm, she examined the watch on his wrist. She smirked, "We have thirty minutes left of lunch, think we can fit a quickie in?" She teased. Archie matched her smirk and wrapped an arm around her body, he leaned forward and kissed her neck.

"As much as I would love that," he started as he left a trail of butterfly kisses on her neck, "I'm really hungry, and I heard a rumor today was pizza day." Veronica rolled her eyes playfully and pushed him away, "Yeah, okay. I get it, a growing boy needs to eat," she sighed dramatically. "Just don't come crawling to me when a growing boy needs a warm body," she sauntered away towards the cafeteria.

Archie shook his head at his dramatic girlfriend and followed after her. He assumed he'd regret the decision of breaking up with Betty so abruptly like he did, and he did, for a minute. Betty was a safety net and made him feel secure. But as time went on, he realized he didn't want to feel safe all the time, Veronica was what he desired, and she showed him and reminded him of this every day.

Once Archie opened the cafeteria doors he bumped into Veronica. She stood still as she looked at the scene in front of her, he followed her gaze and felt his fists curl at his sides. He was growing real tired of this Serpent and soon wouldn't be able to hold his aggression back.

There, in the middle of the cafeteria was Betty and Jughead sitting at their middle table. Betty sat on the surface of the table while Jughead stood in between her legs, one of Betty's long creamy legs resting on the seat of the table and the other hooked around the Snakes waist. Jughead had both hands high up on Betty's thighs, dangerously close to her intimate area. They were quietly talking and sharing a gaze so intense it seemed almost intrusive to be staring at them.

Something in Archie twisted, and he felt a pang of jealousy. Betty wouldn't ever act like this with him, she was always more modest and conserved, whenever he did attempt anything she would shut him down immediately stating she didn't want to risk getting into trouble by Weatherbee and have it go on their personal record. He always just nodded his head solemnly and texted Veronica telling her to meet him behind the school. This new Betty was bothering Archie whether he liked it or not and he didn't like it.

It was as if the rest of the students grew used to the display, hardly anyone was looking at them. The ones who were looked like they were looking in longing or envy, was he in the twilight zone? He took notice of the other Serpents at the table, all donning leather jackets and talking amongst themselves. He looked off to the side and noticed his team at a table far off to the side, angrily staring at the gang. Archie stomped noisily over to Chuck and Reggie, Cheryl and other Vixens and football players were at the table as well.

"What the hell is going on?" Archie said loudly, flailing his arms. Reggie shook his head, completely confused himself. He didn't know what to do, he knew Jughead could easily take them out if they attempted to so all they had left to do was sit and watch in anger. He felt stupid.

Chuck shrugged his shoulders, at a loss. "We came in here and they were already there." He explained lamely. Archie glanced at the leather gang and growled, "This is unacceptable. These fucking losers won't come into our school and try to take over. This isn't how it works!"

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