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Mr. Park sets down his papers and adjusts his round glasses to rest comfortably on the bridge of his nose. "Good morning class." His godly voice announces with the arrival of his presence, the class cheerfully wishes him a good morning in response.

"I am pleased to announce that I will have the final verdict of your class president by next week on Wednesday, I already have a few promising students in mind." He looks over the class as the room falls into a soft murmur of curiosity. I cant help but roll my eyes at the announcement of a class president.

I turn to my best friend whom also wasn't pleased with the new information. No shade to presidents themselves it's just, those people always think that they could play the dictator card and get away with it, because they always did, "I wonder which cocky bitch'll be our prez' this year." I sigh into my seat and Sungjin snickers snickers at my witty comment.

"Today you will be meeting your second period English teacher and third period Physical Education teacher. Please treat them kindly." Mr. Park finally announces, the class bursts into a series of dull 'yes's to emphasize their unwanted agreement as Mr. Park continues, "I'm sure you'll all want to hear what I have to say next so make sure to pay attention." I sit up in anticipation waiting diligently for his next words... wait for it... wait for it..., "The first junior class trip will begin Friday, the whole grade will be going camping in the mountains!"

YES! I've been waiting for this! I have set up my entire year to revolve around class trips. I knew that I needed to balance out all of the stress of standardized tests with fun that's exactly what I did... art club trips, sports competitions, music club performances not to mention that the class trips that were scheduled for Junior students were the second best experiences of your entire teenage career, only second to Senior class trips!

The trip to winter trip to Gangwon-do was definitely one of the most talked about experiences at this school ever... skiing, hiking, kayaking, sledding, skating and of course......... hot tubbing! And hot tub rumors! 

The class jump out of their seats in joy to converse about the trip. I only pay attention a moment longer to see Mr. Park discretely smile and sit down at his desk before I too jump up out of my seat and squeal alongside Sungjin.

Once the class has released their excitement, Mr. Park stands up as they sit down. "We'll arrive back on Tuesday morning, students get Tuesday off and Wednesday we will use as a sort of remediation day. That being said, your math quiz will be moved to Thursday."

The class groans and an unknown voice speaks up, "You're moving the quiz to this Thursday?!" The outraged student asks.

Mr. Park smiles and runs his hand through this hair, "No! Of course not! It will be next Thursday!"

The once glum class fills with cheers and repeated 'thank you's, regaining its loud nature.

"This opportunity will not only allow for you to socialize within your class but also all of your Junior classmates from other classes. Please inform me as soon as possible if you won't be able to attend but we hope for 100% participation!" Mr. Park's playful words once again lure me into his spell. Instead of smiling at the announcement, I smile at Mr. Park's happiness.

"Oh— and I almost forgot," My teacher's full lips curve into an "o" shape cutely as he remembers his final announcements. "Cabins will be gender exclusive," some boys groan at that, only to be bonked at the top of the head with the pencil cases and random accessories of their female friends, "and there will also be a drug and alcohol check once you have entered the premises of the camp ground." With a final annoyed response from his students, Mr. Park finally says "You are free to socialize."

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