t h i r t y o n e

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Taewon and I trudge through the thick layer of snow all suited up in our chucky winter boots and warm padded jackets. When we were given the option of various fun snow activities the two of us chose ice skating over the frozen lake, with a few other student and the supervision of two staff members of course. 

Sungjin tried to convince me to go snow boarding with him but I was terrible at it and I knew I'd get hurt one way or another so when it came down to me or snow boarding, my best friend let go of his petty rivalry with Taewon and chose to snow board. To be fair, it wasn't a surprise to me... Sungjin talks about snow boarding all year-round and when there's no snow to snow board on, he sand boards. He always finds a way, there was no sport that he was more passionate about than boarding, he was really good at it too.

I look over to our supervisors , Seokjin and Yoongi, or Mr. Kim and Mr. Min, as I was required to call them in our professional atmosphere, casually do their ice fishing thing and I sigh as I glide along the ice with Taewon, "Honestly, how'd they even get to be supervisors? They're strangers to the school-I swear, what if they were pedophiles or something, the school really doesn't care about our safety." 

"Pedophiles?" I hear the smirk in Taewon's voice and I turn to see him eye me suggestively, "I think you're concerned about the wrong people."

"What?" My eyebrows furrow and I slow down, "What do you mean?" He turns around mid-skate so that he's in front of me skating backwards. "Taewon. What do you mean?" He only smirks.

"Nothing, it just sounds a little familiar." He turns back around and I immediately skate up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, urging him to turn back around.

"What are you implying, Jung?" I look him dead in the eyes with a stone cold expression.

"I don't know, Mirae, it's just, you and a specific someone seem a little too close by my judgement." He maintains his easy going look, "I don't drink enough to forget what happens the days we party."

"You pass out when you drink." I excuse, my furrowed eyebrows not faltering from their tense state.

"I stay conscious enough to see what's going on between you and.. Juh-Juh-" He stutters on purpose, testing me to see how much I'd let him push my buttons, "Jih-Jih-jim-" -in my inner thought complete. A chaos of emotion floods my brain and I'm immediately swept off my own feet, I fall straight to the floor. 

Taewon rushes to my side and asks me if I'm okay, I look him dead in the eyes, almost unfazed by my fall, "Whatever you saw, it never happened, alright?"

"Chill!" Taewon exclaims as he reaches out his hand to pull me up, "I wont tell a soul, I just saw an opportunity to confirm my suspicions." I look at his hand and to his face, wondering if I can trust him, both to pull me up and keep my secret, "Mirae, I would never hurt you on purpose, I promise you that." Taewon shakes his hand out in front of me and I eventually give in and let him help me to my feet, we skate over to Yoongi and Seokjin.

"Nice job supervisors, Mirae got hurt and you didn't even batt an eye, why are you even here?" Taewon half-jokes to the men who look bored by his presence.

"To go ice fishing." Jin states with an exasperated huff, "This is some high-action shit right here, kid, would you mind taking your cooties elsewhere?" 

I burst into laughter, sarcasm and comedy, just what I need to lift my mood after what just happened. I open my eyes after my laughter settles down only to see the three guys look at me blankly, "What? It was a funny joke!"

"I wasn't joking." Seokjin says with a blank face, "I'm completely serious."

"Wait for real?" I ask in confusion. Seokjin, Yoongi and Taewon stare me down and I grow uncomfortable, fearing that I did something wrong. I blink uncontrollably, a nervous habit that I have, and my lips turn down into a frown.

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