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I stretch my back as I finally finish my masterpiece. I pause my music after letting the chorus of 1+1=0 by Suran play.

"I don't see why we bought so much paint if this is all you were going to do." Sungjin pouts looking straight at the various unopened paint cans.

I panic, was my art work that bad? I express my concerns verbally. "Is it not good— I mean— I did mess up a couple of times but I thought that it looks decent— I mean I should have—"

Sungjin cuts me off directly, "Mirae it looks great, that's not what's wrong with this situation! But you did only use three colors when we bought like— thirty."

The both of us look up at the pretty blue sky I had spent the last couple of hours painting. It was the only logical thing I could think of when I was panicking earlier. To look up and see a the clouds parting to reveal a beautiful blue sky was what I had to remind myself when I had my anxiety attacks. I'd have to remind myself that one day the clouds around my mind will part and I'll have a beautiful blue sky to look forward too. Plus, a white cealing couldn't possibly be healthy to look at 24/7. At least now I'll have a nice memory with Sungjin and Mr. Park to remember when I look up in thought.

I sigh in relief and stare at my art a bit more, even going as far as to lay down on my bed to admire it, "Yeah... but that's only because I didn't know what I wanted to paint when we were shopping, I just kinda splat paint on to my wall until I got an idea.."

Sungjin scoffs, "You're telling me that you went into this whole huge ass project, without any sort of plan?" He sits on my bed, his legs touching the floor and laying backwards to rest his head on my stomach.

"I was improvising then," I start and place my hands in his hair, "And I still am, life is just like that. Fake it til you make it ya'know?..." Sungjin opens his mouth and I know he's about to hit me with that deep shit that my heart really can't handle right now, "You know what!" I push the boys head off of me and he grumbles, I jump off of the bed and grab my bag, "Now the more I look at it the more I really hate that light fixture." I spontaneously call.

"Mirae..." Sungjin tests, I hum quickly in response, looking for my phone. I hear my best friend sharply and audibly inhale, "What are you thinking of now?"

I bite down on my lip, trying to hide my smile, he knew me too well. "I want a new one, a new light, something that really shines light on my life, you feel me?"

Sungjin groans and gets up off of my bed, knowing that if he tries to help soothe my mental pains he would only ruin my bettering mood, "Mirae, you're literally broke." He calls instead.

"If I return the paint that I didn't open then I won't be!" I argue loudly, finally finding my phone that had snuggled itself in between the crook of my bed frame and mattress, Sungjin doesn't look convinced and I only sigh at his lack of compliance.

"We can get dinner on the way back, on me." I stare at Sungjin's back from the other side of the bed, he was refusing to face me. After a moment, he exhales deeply and he leans down to picks up his shoes, which he slips on and ties individually.

"Like I'd let you pay for me after you emptied your wallet out on this." He gestures up at the ceiling. Without another word, he walks out of the bedroom and I trot behind him happily with a couple paint cans in each hand. Sungjin grabs his car keys off of the kitchen counter and I continue to follow suit all the way to the door. "Mom! We're going out again!" I holler from the door.

"Be back by ten baby, you have school tomorrow!" Is my mother's only response. With that we exit my house and enter Sungjin's car.


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