chapter 4- awww, Harry

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hello readers!!! sorry this has been a while uploading, how are you all?? please comment anyways, heres the next chapter, hope you enjoy!! thankyou

Seeing as we couldn’t all fit in one car, Harry drove Liam me and Isy to the shopping centre and Louis drove Zayn and Niall in his car. When we got out of the car, there was a young girl, looked about 12 getting in the car next to us, she spotted who It was and whispered something to her mum, before coming over and asking sweetly for a photo. She got out her phone, “why don’t I take it?” I suggested. She handed me her phone and I took a picture with her and all 5 boys. She smiled and thanked me before getting in the car.

“She was sweet” Niall announced, and we all agreed.

“Being recognised within 2 seconds of stepping out of the car, that’s got to be some kind of record, even for us”, Zayn added

We walked down to where all the shops were. “Jack Wills first”, Liam screamed. So we all followed him into Jack Wills. Louis and Zayn shot straight over to the women’s Underwear section, and put bras on, over the top of their clothes. You would think this would embarrass me, but you get used to it, when it’s Louis, you never know what he’s going to do.

They then came prancing over to us and Harry decided this would be a perfect opportunity to grab Louis’ ‘boobs’.  

Surprisingly, they weren’t recognised at all, the whole time we were in the shop, well until we got kicked out of the shop and banned.

It wasn’t my fault, it was Harry’s. He decided to go into the changing rooms take off all his clothes and put on a bra and some small women’s underpants then did a little catwalk for everyone. It was absolutely hilarious. I have a photo on my phone; I will be uploading that to twitter as soon as we get back.

After that we decided to go into Clair’s accessories (note from writer: I’m not sure if they have Clair’s accessories in America, so if you don’t know what it is, it is like a cheap jewellery/hair shop) we went in and Isy and i rushed over to the necklaces.

“Ally, I need you to help me choose what to wear tonight.” Isy said with a slightly panicked tone in her voice.

“Why, what’s tonight?” I asked, slightly confused

“Well, harry has asked me to on a date with him”

“What? A date, with harry styles? Get in there Isy, when did he ask you?”

“Well. The underwear he put on in Jack Wills, he bought for me, just before we got kicked out, and said I should wear it on the date we were going to be going on tonight!”

“”, were the only words that could come out of my mouth. “And yeah I will help you decide”

“I was thinking my blue lace dress, and get some new shoes and accessories.” She replied,

“Sound great! Did he say what you would be doing?”

“No. he said there might be cameras and press following us, and to wear something dressy”

 “Stay there, I will be right back”

I walked over to the boys, who were looking at all the one direction merchandise. I chuckled to myself, then patted harry on the back.

“Can I talk to you harry?”

“Yes, of course”.

We walked out of the store and stood outside, there were a group of girls that looked about 14. Harry had to do a couple of photos with them. They walked off leaving us free to talk.

“About this date you’re going on with Isy,” I was cut off by Harry’s little smile creeping to his face. “She doesn’t know what to wear. Where are you taking her? I promise I won’t tell.” I pleaded to Harry.

“Only if you promise you won’t tell her”

“I swear, I won’t” I confirmed

“Fine, we are going to the top of that mountain over there”

I burst out laughing, thinking it was a joke

“honestly”, he replied, “if you would let me finish, I am talking her up the mountain, somebody is up there now, decorating it with fairy lights and  candles in preparation, I have got her favourite artists, Rihanna and Olly Murs, to sing us a couple of love songs, then they will go and it will be just us, a picnic and a blanket, with some fairy lights. It will be so romantic” Harry explained almost jumping with excitement.

“Mhhhhuu” was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. My eyes were filling with tears. “she will love it”.

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