chapter 9- the truth or dare game!

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hellooooo!! how is everyone?? this chapter is quite short but impotant in the plot of the story. plleeeeaassee comment what you think or some story line ideas , also if you want to be a charecter in the story then messgae me your name, age, and a few facts about you and  i will base the newwestr charecter on you xx i will try to update more often sorry xx:)

Everybody was very sad about the boys having to leave soon, but we decided to just have fun for the remaining 3 days. Today we all thought it would be a good idea to go bowling. Luckily there was a bowling alley about 10 minutes away from the house.

We had to inform the boy’s management of our plans, so Harry rang up Paul. From the parts of the conversation I heard, Paul was less than happy with our idea. Harry came back and told us we were aloud, but management had to come.  It was probably a good idea to be honest.

We had to wait for Paul and security to pick us up; we were told they would be about half an hour.

“So, what should we do till Paul gets here?” Liam asked

“Truth-or-dare!” I Niall shouted

“Yeah I love this game!” I added

We all sat in a circle the order was Zayn, harry, Isy, Liam, Louis, Naill, me

“Who’s going to go first?” Louis asked

“Me!” Zayn cried, “ I dare Liam, to kiss Abby”

Everyone cheered, except for me and Liam that is. Liam just looked very embarrassed and I really didn’t know what to do!

“Oh come on guys, Ally probably doesn’t want me to kiss her!” Liam said trying to redeem himself.

“Says who?” I tried to say in a flirty and confident tone, but in my head I was completely fan-girling, I mean I have fancied Liam since he first auditioned on x factor.

“Kiss, KISS, KISS” everyone chanted

Liam was sat opposite me in the circle so I started to crawl forward to where he was sat, he noticed and came forward too. Once we were close enough, Liam whispered in my ear “the boys are just doing this because they know I have a huge crush on you Ally”  then his face turned serious when he realised he had just giving it away that he fancied me. I made a mental note to myself, not to fan-girl or start jumping up and down. Thankfully I didn’t do that I just pressed my lips to his. At first he was shocked but then kissed me back. I put my hands on the back of his head, whilst the kiss became passionate. He pushed me so I fell back and he was lying on top of me, our lips not parting the entire time. Suddenly we realised we were in the middle of everyone and they were all watching.

Liam shot up and went back to where he was originally sitting and tried to act like nothing had happened, I did the same, but I knew we were falling miserably. Everyone started to laugh and it came to a point when we could hold it in either. We began to laugh just as hard as everyone else was.

“I knew it would work” Zayn stated 

“What would work?” Liam cried

“Well, Isy told us that Ally had fancied you for ages, and we all knew that you fancy her, we just needed a way to let both of you know that you fancy each other, and that you’re perfect for each other.” Niall explained

I could feel a blush creeping to my cheeks. OH.MY.GOD Liam Payne had a crush on me! I really needed to have a major fan girl moment but I decided that would be a bit inappropriate in this situation.

I looked over to Liam, he looked so embarrassed, and he was also giving Naill the ‘I’m-going-to-kill-you-later’ look. He looked over to me and said,

“So would you like to go on a date sometime?”

I completely froze. I had imagined the moment Liam Payne would ask me out so many times, and every time my response was either completely pouncing on him, or having a huge romantic moment. But “yyyyyeah?” was all I could get out of my mouth. Way to go Ally, way to go.

We heard a car horn coming from outside. Niall went to look out the window.

“Pauls here!” he shouted back to us

We all grabbed our coats and went to the black mini bus type thing outside. There were 2 seats in the front which Paul and the driver sat in, and then there were 7 seats in the back. I sat by Louis (I thought it would be a bit awkward to sit by Liam), harry sat between Liam and Isy, and Zayn sat by Niall.

The journey wasn’t very long about 20 minutes as we got stuck in traffic. Louis would slip Liam little i-have-to-talk-to-you-later looks, he didn’t realise but I had. I knew it would be coming anyway.

“We are here” Paul shouted

We ran inside and found a lane Paul had reserved for us. Because of the safety of the boys they had stopped any more people coming in but the people that were in the middle of games could stay and complete their games. We had been here for about 4 minutes and none of us had tweeted where we were but already there were about 60 girls outside screaming. What could possibly go wrong?

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