chapter 14- mums home!

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this story is coming close to the end now :( i am only going to update the next chapter if this chapter gets at least 5 likes becuase i dont think anybody is actually reading it :( anyway heres the next chapter


We all then started moving and tidying the house, to make it spotless, I had a phone call from mum saying she would be home around 4 o’clock and it was about 3 o’clock now. Louis had to go and pick her up from the airport and it takes roughly 30 minutes to get to the airport.

For the next thirty minutes or so we all ran around like idiots in an attempt to make the house spotless. I was ordering everybody to their jobs; I may have got a little bossy!

The sound of a car door closing outside startled us all!

“Places everyone!” I screamed, a little too enthusiastically

Everybody immediately ran to where they had been allocated. Niall and Zayn ran to the front door ready to help her with her luggage, Liam stood in the door way to the kitchen ready to make her any drink or food she would require, and Louis and I went and sat in the living room ready to break the news.

The door handle slowly opened and mum stepped in. almost getting knocked over by the too eager niall and Zayn, who stampeded out to her taxi, well that part of the plan didn’t really work.

“How are my Babies?” Mum asked Lou and I

“We’re great thanks, how was your holiday?”

“Oh, it was, ok. I just realised how I can’t bear to be away from both of you!”

Well that’s just fabulous isn’t it, I thought sarcastically. If she can’t manage 5 days on holiday, how is she going to manage me being on tour, for 6 months?

Liam came running into where we were sitting whilst Niall and Zayn fell in through the door with the ‘heavy’ bags

“Would you like a drink Trisha?”

“that would be lovely Liam! Anything will do”

“ok, I will make you a smoothy, its very healthy and nutritious and apparently im quite good!” he said whilst giving me a wink, signalling that he was just trying to butter her up.

Liam walked into the kitchen leaving me, Lou and mum.

“Where’s Harry and Isy?” mum questioned

“They went to Isy’s house too…” Louis started but I cut him off so he wouldn’t give it away

“Too….feed her dog!” I said sternly, signalling it was not up for questioning.

We sat in a awkward silence for about 30 seconds till we heard a shout and then some mumbled curses coming for the kitchen, it sounded like Liam. Lou and I exchanged a worried glance before he stood up and excuse himself to see what Liam was doing. We just sat, for about 1 minute before I couldn’t take this anticipation and silence for any longer.

“What in hells name are they doing in there?” I shouted before storming into the kitchen to see what was happening, mum followed behind me. We walked through the kitchen door to see the whole kitchen and Liam covered in what looked like smoothy and Louis mopping the ceiling. This plan really wasn’t going well.

“It’s not meant to happen like this!” I shouted, startling everyone Liam looked at me apologetically whilst mouthing “sorry” as mum gave us all curious glares.

“What wasn’t meant to happen like this?” she asked

I was fed up; I decided we were just going to have to tell her. Me, Louis, mum and Liam all went and took a seat in the living room.

“Mum, there is something I would like to ask you” I said timidly, Louis and Liam both gave me reassuring looks, so I continued. “This week has been amazing, the boys are all so lovely and we have bonded so much! I have realised just how much I have missed Louis, since he has been gone and well, Liam and I are kind of dating now aswell!” I paused for a moment to let mum take all this information in, she looked bewildered and a little astonished but she gave a small nod, so I continued, “Harry and Isy are also dating. When I said they had gone to Isy’s house to feed her dog, that wasn’t exactly true, they had actually gone back to ask Isy’s mum if she could go on tour with the boys” by now, I was getting really nervous about what mums answer would be and I had started playing with the hem of my skirt, it’s an old habit of mine, I do when I get nervous, but I was determined I had to continue. “anyway, what I’m trying to say is, how would you feel if I went on tour with the boys for a few months?”

“i…..i……I, don’t know what to say Ally”


DUN DUN DUN!!!! what do you think? remember i am only updating the next chapter if this gets 5+ likes!!

being a sister to one direction (one direction fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant