save you tonight

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hello fellow directioners..... i have been a bit slow updating sorry. i have reached 77 reads on this story and to me thats a lot. im sure some of you have written stories with 1000's of reads but to me thats lots... hope you enjoy the next chapter :)


We went over to the counter to get our bowling shoes, I can tell you now they did not look good with what we were wearing. We set up the computer thing that totals up your scores and began our game.

Harry was first up. All the way here he was boasting about how ‘amazing’ at bowling he was and how he reckoned he was defiantly going to win. He got a ball and went up to the lane. He swung his arm back to bowl. Louis snuck up behind him and pushed him, forcing harry to fall right on his arse and the ball to go straight in the gutter.

“What did you do that for Lou?” harry asked.

Nobody could reply because we were all laughing so hard.

“sssor-rry, it, waaas just s-oooo funnnnny” Louis said between laughs

“my go!” zayn screamed, I could tell he wanted to do something before harry started bickering with Louis

Zayn bowled and got a spare. We all took turns and after we had finished the first round we paused the game and went to the drinks bar to get some refreshments. We looked out the glass wall and there must have been a couple of thousands of girls out there by now, along with some very stressed out security guards.

Isy didn’t really like it and got a bit frightened so harry put his arm around her and reassured her we were safe.

Suddenly Paul came running up to us looking very panicked.

“they have got past security there are about 3000 fans coming your way, you have to run out the back entrance NOW” Paul insisted.

 Suddenly we saw them all charging towards us. They were all screaming the boys names. We all legged it out the back.

They fans had now reached us and completely surrounded us, the 7 of us got spilt up and lost in the big cram of people. The boys were all used to this and had training in what to do in this situation, so I was sure they would all be fine.

All I could see around me was a complete sea of people, Paul was right behind me trying to man over me out, he told me there was 2 other body guards trying to get the others out. He practically carried me out the fire escape. Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis were all already out there gasping for breath, luckily the fans hadn’t realised where we went.

Louis came running up to me and squeezed me in one of his bear hugs, he was obviously worried. Suddenly a panicked looking Naill was popped through the door by the other security guards.

Harry looked between all of us then realised Isy was missing. The colour drained from his face and he shot straight to the door. Paul grabbed him and stopped him from going back into that bedlam of people.

“But Isy is still in there, I have to go help her” harry screamed.

“You can’t harry, you will get killed” Paul replied and all the boys nodded in agreement.

“Look harry, she hasn’t had much publicity yet so people probably won’t recognise her and just think she was a fan aswell” Liam tried to console him.

Paul instructed the other 2 security guards to go in and look for her. They opened the door and went in.

“look, they have gone in to look for her, we will go back in the car and wait there, she might turn up there, you never know.” Paul comforted.

being a sister to one direction (one direction fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now