chapter 8 - the night

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Ally’s P.O.V

Isy and Harry had just walked out of the door when Niall jumps on the table and begins to play the air guitar. It was at that point I knew it was going to be a fun night.

In my living room there is a TV on the same wall as the door and then a coffee table in the middle of the room with a corner sofa around it facing the TV. The colour scheme is basically creams and browns, my mum decorated it quite classy.

 Louis was sat on the end of the sofa, by the arm rest, then it was me, then it was Liam on the bend, then it was Niall, and then Zayn by the other arm rest. We were all squashed quite close. The sofa was meant to be a six seater sofa, but I think it would have to be six very small people. And we all insisted on having our legs tucked up underneath us, I was stuck with Louis legs spread right across me and Liam got lumbered with having to have his very smelly feet. I found this the perfect opportunity for me to snuggle up-to Liam, without it looking too obvious. So I discretely turned my back to Liam and leant against his shoulder.

We all decided we would settle down and watch some films. First Liam made us watch toy story.

Seeing as we had all seen it about 12 times, we quickly got bored of it. So we decided to have some fun with poor Liam, who was still desperately trying to watch his all-time favourite movie.

We put ‘Marley and me’ on next. I of course embarrassingly started to cry when the dog got sick. I tried to hide it but Louis noticed.

“Awwww, is somebody welling up?” Louis cooed,

“NO” I said, a little too fast to be believable.

“Come here” Louis replied before pulling me into him. He started stroking my arm.

I love Louis, he is the perfect brother. He  doesn’t get over protective or anything towards my boyfriends, but at the same time I know that if they ever hurt me, he would be right on their cases, And he always cares and looks after me.

“Don’t worry about it Ally, we’ve got two over here aswell”. Zayn said

I looked over to him, where he was patting down Niall’s back, and patting Liam’s knee. Both boys had tears streaming down their face I just chuckled, as did Louis.

“Hey, it’s a sad film!” Niall defended

“Yeah” Liam agreed

“You’re just big softies inside, aren’t you boys?” I asked

“No! We are big, strong men thakyou very much” Liam sarcastically protested

“In that case you can keep me safe then” I said whilst shuffling over to him,

 I leant up against his hard body and draped his arm around my shoulders.

“I bet Liam is happy now” Niall teased.

I wasn’t shore what he meant, I mean there is no way Liam fancies me.

“you know I would normally be up for a bit of banter like that, but when it’s my sister, I mean, DUDE” Louis joked

“I’m very confused. Can someone let me in on the joke please?” I pleaded

“Don’t worry about it, they’re just being childish!” Liam said whilst glaring at the boys.

 He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. So I just let the whole thing go. We continued watching ‘Marley and me’ and by the end we were all in tears.

About 10 minutes after it had finished, we heard the door go. Then Isy and harry walked in, soaking wet. I made a little bet with myself on which boy would be the first to make a rude joke about them.

“I know you guys like each other but you could try and stay dry till you’re in the bedroom”

Yep…I thought it would be Louis. We all burst out laughing.

“Sorry, we’ll control ourselves next time” Harry joked

“I’m going to put some warm, dry clothes on guys” Isy said

“Good idea me too” harry agreed

Isy gave me the ‘come with me so I can tell you everything’ eyes, so I agreed and walked up the stairs behind her. We walked into my room and I sat on my bed waiting for her to tell all. She explained everything. It seemed so perfect. She put on one of Harry’s tops and a pair of pyjama shorts.

“Well, what happened here? How come Liam hand his arm around you when I came in?”

I told her about the way we had been crying, cuddling up to him and the boys joke that I still didn’t understand.

“Sounds like he likes you ally”

“You think”

“Yeah totally ally”

We’ll have to see what happens !”

We walked downstairs after I had changed into my pyjamas aswell, to find all the boys in nothing but jogging bottoms, WOW! Then I looked to Harry who was completely naked!!

“Where are my pyjamas?” he asked, but suddenly answered his own question when he found them over the back of the sofa. He then slipped them on and acted like it was nothing.

“You get used to it girls when you have to live with him” Naill teased

We walked in and sat down with the boys. Suddenly it dawned on me; we only had 3 more days together.

“I can’t believe you all have to leave in 3 days, and we won’t be able to see each other again for like a year” I sighed

Suddenly everybody’s faces turned serious and sad. By the looks of it no one had realised.

“Oh yeah…I hadn’t thought about that, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye” Niall admitted.

“We’ve had so much fun together in the last 3 days, I don’t want to go!” Louis protested

“Come on boys, you’ve got to go, you’ve got a tour to do, think how much fun it will be” I said, trying to lighten the mood

Suddenly I noticed a tear trickle down Isy’s face. I had forgotten about her and Harry. Harry tensed up and stroked her shoulder.

“We still have 3 days left together. We will just have to make the most of it” Liam added

Everybody agreed, we just had to make these final days count!


what do you think guys?? please comment!! also i need another female charecter, if you want it to be you then just message me youre name and a few facts about you eg. favourite coulour, hobbies ect. :)

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