good byes are always going to come (one direction fan fic)

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hi guys!!!!!!!!!!thanks sooooo much for downloading this one drection fan fic. it is my first one so no hate please. i hope you all enjoy it and think its good, please comment what you think of this first chapter, also i am british not american so some words i write might be different in america, and queries just ask. ENJOY ____________________

Chapter one- the gig

“My feet are so sore” I said to Isy, “I knew I should of worn pumps”. ”I know how you feel”, Isy replied. We had been raving all night to the sound of Ed Sheran.

             I probably should explain. There was a charity event in my home town, it is a small town, but quite famous however, in England. My very sweet brother got me and my best friend Isy, some tickets to go. Although, I think he managed to pull a few strings to get them cheap. You can do that when you’re a member of the biggest boy band in the world. Oh yeah, and by the way he is Louis Tomlinson.

           He is only 2 years older than me so we have always been very close but lately with all the one direction stuff we haven’t been able to catch up much, this is why he got me tickets to go and see this gig. To say, sorry for not being there lately.

“Ally….ALLY…..AAALLLLLYYY” Isy cried. I must off gone off daydreaming!

“Sorry. Yeah?”

“I said are you getting tired?”

“Yeah, I’m knackered!”

“Thank god, I’m shattered, but I thought it was just me”

I pulled out my phone to look at the time; it was 1:05 in the morning. We had good reason to be tired.

“No wonder we are tired, its one o’clock in the morning” I said .We must of completely lost track of time. “Shall I text mum to pick us up?”

“Yeah that sounds good” Isy replied “look my mum will kill me if I walk in at this time in the morning…” she began but got cut off by me.

“Yeah of course you can stay at mine” I explained

I typed in my mum’s number, and sent her a message to pick us up at the gates. Quickly I got a message back.

“Mum will be here in a minuet, why don’t we wait by the gates now?” I suggested

“Good idea, my head is banging” Isy moaned

Isy and I aren’t the biggest party animals in the world. We walked outside and it was freezing. Isy had a short, tight, black dress on with white high heels on and a white belt. The colours went perfectly with her strawberry-blonde hair, and her green eyes, and the length of the dress complemented her figure perfectly. Isy was no-where near fat but she wasn’t super skinny either like some models are. I on the other hand was wearing, a lace, cream dress, and it floated lovely, just above the knee, I had a pair of nude platforms on along with a nude clutch. I wasn’t as tall as Isy and had Blonde hair (which I usually straightened).you would of thought we would have been cold, But after being in somewhere as warm and stuffy as that, we were actually glad of some air.

         I saw a car coming around the corner, it wasn’t mums but it was coming towards us. Suddenly I noticed the driver waving at me like an idiot. I looked closer to see it was Louis!

        He parked the car in front of us. I hadn’t been paying much attention, so I opened the passengers door only to see harry sitting there looking at me. “Sorry, didn’t see you there Hazza” I quickly announced, and then Isy and I both got into the back of the car.

            I had met harry about 4 times, for when he was staying with us and when we had family get together’s. Although we hadn’t met many times, every time we had, it had been on pretty close quarters. So we got to know each other relatively quickly, well after him walking into me in the shower, me walking in on him changing and that one day when, my bedroom was being redecorated, harry was staying so all 3 of us had to sleep in Louis’ room. Louis on his bed and me and Harry on separate blow up beds on the floor, but somehow when Harry and I had both woken up we found we had been cuddling in our sleep. That night still remains a mystery to me to this very day.

             With all that I still find it awkward if I’m alone with him, I mean he is one of the hottest boys on the planet, and in one of the world’s most successful boy bands.

  “So girls, how was your night?” Louis asked

 “It was great.” I replied.

“Ally never told me you boys were coming, she said it was her mum” Isy joined in.

 Isy’s and Louis relationship is basically the same as mine and Harrys.  She had met him quite a few times and they get along great. She has a huge crush on Harry however, she had met him about 3 times and they are quite good friends. I knew about this, and Louis knew she thought he was hot, but that was it, and poor old Harry didn’t know a thing.

 “I didn’t know till now, I text mum” I explained to Isy

“Yeah sorry about that. She is in bed and I heard her phone go, so I looked to see if it was anything important. We didn’t want to wake her so harry suggested that we came and picked you girls up.” Louis said

“Are you boys staying?” I asked

 “Of course we are!” Harry announced

“YES” Isy and I chorused.

 “Are you staying Isy?” Louis asked

“If its ok?” she replied.

“Why wouldn’t it be? It will be a fun night, the four of us”

Louis drove us home. It was a nice journey. We all made small talk, there were a few silences, but it wasn’t awkward. We arrived at home, we all tip toed in very quietly not to wake up mum. It wasn’t till we were half way up the stairs I noticed that the boys were wearing their pyjamas. I whispered into Isy’s ear to see if she had noticed. “Hell yes”, she replied. The way she said it was as if she had had her eyes glued to Harry all the way home.

            Our house isn’t huge but it has three stories. Down stairs was a small toilet, dining room/kitchen and an informal living room. On the second floor was Mums en-suite bedroom and formal living room, then the top floor was my room, Louis room and a bathroom. It was quite good because it meant, me and Louis could stay up late talking and mum wouldn’t hear us, or we could sneak into each other’s rooms and tip water on each other in their sleep and mum would still be none-the-wiser.

         When we reached the top floor , Harry suggested that me and Isy go get changed then go and join them in Louis room to catch up. So we hobbled into my room, Isy didn’t have any pyjamas so she borrowed some of mine. We got changed and brushed out teeth. I was wearing a baby-pink cropped vest top and blue low cut check bottoms, my hair tied up in a messy bun. Isy had my baggy long sleeve white cropped top and black shorts.

being a sister to one direction (one direction fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ