#26: Skinny Love

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Firstly, gotta say again that I was too lazy to delete unneccessary photos from the album. Secondly, yes, I know that the song doesn't suit the chapter, but I listened to it on that day, so I decided to have it here.

Well, as I haven't tell you, I'm gonna do that now. This is practically the story of my life. I mean, not everything is exactly like it was, but mostly. For instance, this talk here happened in MSN and I actually weren't that crazy, but that's what we call fiction, right? If you have any questions (whether something has really happened or not), you can ask me anytime.

So .. yeah. Hope you like reading something that has really happened. Don't forget to vote, beauties :)


"Caroline, sweetie, you have a guest,"

I tilted my head, suspicious.

Chantal was way too lovey-dovey for herself. It was as if Michelle would be totally normal for a week nor bitch with me about Jason.

Yeah, a bit strange comparing, though, it's true.

"A guest? Now?"

I looked at the clock that hang on the wall behind girls' backs. It was 7PM.

Cassie nodded enthusiastically. "We're serious,"

"Okay," I said, still suspicious. They're keeping something from me. "Who would that be?"

"Oh, it's hard to surprise you. He'll come in in a second, then you'll find out,"

"No, wait, I can't greet anyone in a bed, with ghastly and with broken finger joints,"

"Trust me, the one who comes in now, has to see you like that,"

I furrowed my brows. "Did you call a psychiatrist or something..?"

"No. Something better," said Chantal, all secretive.

Then they did some dance moves as if hovered out the room happily, and pushed someone inside.

I hardly had time to glance in the mirror that stood on my bedside table, only to get ensured I really looked off color.

That's what needed to be proved. But now I'd really liked to know who...

"Hey," he said somehow ashamed. It was so not him.

Only one word, but it was enough to make me speechless.

What are you doing to me, Jason? Why are you doing this? How are you doing this? "Hey," I breathed out and then inhaled again. "You are .. here?"

No, in the other universe, you know. Yes, it really was a stupid question. 

In my head, thoughts about how he got here and why he was here were spinning around, and in addition, I managed to be angry with  girls as they hadn't warned me of Jason's walk-about, so he had to see me on my worst.


He scratched his neck. "Ehm .. yes. Chantal beat some sense in my head,"

"Oh," I said. So Chantal really had talked to Jason.

When she talked to him, she closed the balcony door and through half-open eyelids I could see only her maniac gesticulation. It could have been funny if it wasn't for questions, chewing me from inside, and if I hadn't been in a condition I was in.

My Nonexistent Love Story/Skinny LoveWhere stories live. Discover now