#6: Caro? You're an idiot

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"We should go out more often. Last year a primary school is sooooooooo boring,"

"It's rather sooooooooo disgusting," Cassie imitated my "so".

I sent her a look, but she ignored it.

"We will get in, right?" Micha asked suddenly, thoughtful.

"Sure," I replied. Of course, I couldn't have been sure then, but I knew that if I believe in it enough (and pass the exams), then I get in.

"I like your optimism," Cassie nodded.

"I would prefer realism in this case, but .. we are good enough to get in,"

We talked about odds and ends despite the fact that the food was eaten. We never cared at all that we are still in a café, where waitresses are sending half-angry glares, because we laugh a lot and don't order anything else.

"Oh .. my supernatural being, where you are?" I suddenly heaved a sigh, taking a sip from ice cream coctail.

How awkward.

Girls chuckled, and Chan looked away. Then she chuckled more.

"Well, how should I say .. if you take a look right now, you will see him there," she said, bowing closer.

I raised a brow, looking where Chan looked and ...

"Oh crap, I didn't say it this loud, did I?" I asked sheepishly, when I saw Jason standing a few feet away from the cash register.

"Let's hope for you,"

"Same here,"

We turned once again to the cash register, just in the nick of time that Jason nodded to greet us. We did the same.

"It seems that someone just can't keep away from you. Even on the weekend," smiled Micha.

I looked at her for a second. "I don't believe in coincidences, but it can't be anything else,"

"It would be interesting, though if it wasn't a coincidence. What do you think, if he attached some kind of GPS device to you?"

"Haha, very funny,"

Five minutes passed, when we saw a waiter going to Jason's table, to give him the bill.

"Seriously? 5 minutes? Did he just threw it inside himself?" Micha raised an eyebrow.

"Caro'd rather like the idea of a supernatural being, '' Cassie 'corrected' her.

"Does that mean he's like a vampire who does everything too fast?" Micha said, although she hated the "Twilight"-topic.

"No," Cassie shook her head. "The fact that he is a werewolf who eats a lot and very quickly."

"Maybe you want to say that the waitress wrote 'Fido' on the plate as well?" it was meant to be sarcasm, because they made fun of me (although in girl friends way, not insulting), but we started laughing instead.

"Sorry, could not understand the joke," said Micha.

"It doesn't matter, we should be tell you the whole book," Cassie said.

"But if you already want..," Chan launched, while observing Micha's face.

"No. No way," she exclaimed, so that half of the café looked at us.

"Okay, enough 'Twilight'," I said to conciliate everyone.

"Exactly, now we will stand up, three of us will go to the bus stop and you-," Chan pointed finger at me, "-go talk to him,"

My smile vanished. "I .. what? No, I can't,"

Girls raised brows.

"Why not?" Micha couldn't understand. "It's like your chance ... No one of ours is here, so nobody will suspect."

"No, I ca't," I was stubborn.

* ... You know what can I say about it? This was probably the most embarrassing and regrettable moment of my life. (I'll tell you why embarrassing after a second). You can't even imagine how much I later thought and told myself how stupid I was.

Really, would it hurt me if I had spoken to him? That I would rather raised my mood.*

"Well, okay, it's up to you," said Cassie somehow .. ominous. And then .. - no, I still do not believe that they really did that - they went straight to where Jason went.

Friends, yeah, I snorted in my mind.

I went to another exit, and waited there for a bit, because I was sure that they will come. When they weren't in 5 minutes, I sent a message to Cassie: "Where are you?"

"Down? Waiting for you?" came the answer in 10 seconds.

Somehow, I had a feeling it didn't sound particularly friendly.

I wasn't wrong.

I ran down the stairs, not suspecting anything, and I saw them there, their faces sullen and thoughtful at the same time.

"Hey, where did you disappeared?" I asked cheerfully, because I thought that the former thought was flawed.

How fool I was, once again.

"Do you know what he looked like?" Chan suddenly turned towards me.

"He thought you were coming with us. I would say even hoped that," Cassie took over.

"He did everything extremely slowly, as if waiting when you show up,"

"And you didn't,"

"Oh," was the only word that came out. I felt coldness inside.

Coldness? Yes, that's right, because it seemed so to him. He thinks now that I ignore him.

"Oh? Really? That's all?"

I didn't want to talk to them. At that very moment I understood how silly was the idea to get together today.

"I must go," I whispered, and, turning myself around, I broke into a run, ignoring their shouts.

I didn't run just because of running, I ran to the bus stop. His stop. I was hoping he wasn't gone yet. I hoped .. I hoped.


I came to the bus stop just in time - to see the bus moving further away. The bus that took him with it.

A shake went through my body, as if I would never see him again.

And then I ran again. Not following the bus, because it would have been pointlsess, and even if I had caught it, what would I have said to Jason?

I shook my head to get rid of thoughts. The only thought in my head throbbing, was, "Sea."

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