#50: the Sun, the beach and my two crushes

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Micha has never approved of mine and Jason's "relationship" - okay, okay, let's be honest here: none of them is approving anymore -, but lately she's been showing her own initiative in that case. Gotta admit she's been instigating me to talk to Jason at times, too, or organizing that dance show...

So I actually shouldn't have been surprised when we entered the class, where we haven't had any English lessons before, and she practically dragged me by hand to sit by Jason. It was our computer class - we had multimedia there -, where the tables were by walls, forming a large circle. In the middle of the class there was room for teacher. And where we'd sat down, from my side there were Jason, Cyle and Joe, and from Micha's Bradley, Brittany.. I didn't pay attention to who else 'cause when you have Cyle and Joe in one pot, then you don't understand what "peace" means anymore.

Actually, Jason was raising the devil with them that time, starting with, for instance, changing Cyle's screen to pink. Not that changed the desktop background to pink, but modifying colors, contrast and whatever else so the whole screen tonality was pink.

He looked at me and flashed his advertisement smile at me. Four of us burst out laughing, not paying attention that everyone was glaring at us and the teacher came behind us.

He shook his head. "Jason, change it back and stop the games here,"

Jason clicked some buttons on the screen - I'll skip describing the detailed process as some of you would for sure, like Micha, say: "Ah, stop blathering about that programming stuff," - and the screen was back "normal".

"Open the workbook on page 59, exercises 1-4,"

"What page was it now?" Jason asked in whisper, invading into my personal space.

"59," I whispered in jerky voice, shocked a bit by his closeness.

When you loved one's lips are against your neck, it may be quite pleasurable, you know. Just that he'd leaned closer as he didn't hear the page number was breathtaking. Well, yeah, everyone's breath would be caught in their throats when their loved one's lips touched their neck, because the skin became super sensitive and all the hair raised. Totally fantastic.

After half an hour we started writing an essay.

"Why?! No..." Jason said, lingering on the words, after seeing the topic: "How has Internet changed our lives?".  "Fuck me,"

Um .. really, Jason?! Like you being serious right now? "Eh .. well .. actually I'm a bit busy at the moment, ask me later," I stated totally seriously, but silently enough. Honestly, I was even hoping for him not to hear that.

However, he did and cast a look at me. At the beginning it was as serious as mine, but then it turned into a smile and we just burst out laughing. Amid the essay writing, in front of our whole group.

Oh, god.

The teacher, who was our form master at the same time, looked at us disapprovingly.

"I think I should part that company over there. Your atmosphere is way too funny,"

"No," we half-yelled.

He shook his head once more. "Just keep quiet and stop disturbing the others,"


Are you kidding me or what? Why would I always finish at the same time as he does?

But Zack wasn't in our group and Cyle'd finished writing that freaking essay as well - not that the essay was guilty of anything -, and, after all, a year has passed since my blog and I wouldn't even care actually if someone started whispering, so I just stood up after the guys, handed in my work and skipped after them.

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