#21: It could be perfect

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So .. new chappie. Hope you like it, though it's not one of these action-packed and interesting ones.


I crumpled my dress nervously in my heads. I was just about to stand up and get my basic school certificate and diploma.

But it wasn't a reason to be nervous. Not even a bit.


The beginning of the week

Caro, you must do that. You must.

I had been fighting with myself for almost half an hour, because of talking to Jason. But it wasn't just talking, not at all.

December, 14th was the day when I knew I had to talk with Jason about that talk, though, I couldn't bring myself to do that.

I sighed quietly and subdued. I really have to do that.

I open MSN with trembling hands and found Jason.

As it takes so much time to find him.

Double-click and the chat window was opened. I breathed out deeply.

"Mornin', I came to weird conclusion that if I'm gonna use his usual phrase, I get some courage. Really weird, isn't it?


And then again, he is completely unusual. Oh... "What's up?" Because one does not simply write to her crush she gotta talk to him.

I smiled a bit when I saw he was writing. So we're gonna skip the ignoring game... Nice.

"Net. Chemistry. Football .. nothing special."

Really "nothing special". It wasn't Jason's habit to ask me what's up in return.

But it's not important right now.

"Okay." Write, Caro, write it out, you poor girl. "Look, there's that thing .. what are you doing next Saturday (December, 19th)?" I exhaled loudly. Done.

Some seconds, there was "silence". Then he wrote: "Sleeping, I guess. Why?"

May I join..? Oh, Caro... "We need to meet. We should talk,"

Some moments passed as I got the answer: "Ahuh," When he didn't add anything for seconds, I started to panic and get angry 'cause I thought he'd leave it like that. But maybe something got through his head at that moment. That it wasn't just a slushy conversation. That it was really important.

"Do we have prom just after graduation?"

Really, Jason, what is wrong with you? You really gotta change the topic when we're about to get too intimate. However, unlike him, I answered the question. "No, it's about 6 or 8, I can't exactly remember,"

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. A minute passed and he still hadn't written anything. I gritted my teeth, getting angry with every moment. "Aren't you against meeting me?" I almost hammered at these poor keys.

"Initially, no,"

And what should that mean now?

"But I've had pretty hard-working weekends during the vacation. I honestly don't know if I'm vacant,"

Was it really that hard to write? Why I have to demand to get answers? I shook my head as if he really could see my disapproval.

"Mhmhm, Just .. it's pretty important. We was about to have this "afterparty" or whatever it is, we could talk there, too, but I'm not sure it will take place,"

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