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"Peter Parker, seventeen years old, attends Midtown School of Science and Technology. Manages a small café owned by Stan Lee on the weekends. Has a four point zero GPA and is co-captain of his school's decathlon team."

"That's him all right," Natasha said after a few seconds, shaking her head. "His voice was so familiar. I've had to of ran into him on some occasion, yet I don't remember his face."

"His parents both died when he was little— was under the custody of his aunt and uncle until his uncle died when he was thirteen and his aunt committing suicide a few years later."

"Is he in the system?" Natasha asked.

"Legal guardian is his best friend Harley keener, eighteen years old. Legally adopted him once becoming an adult, which was a year and ten months ago."

"He's a pretty clean cut kid all right," Tony added, scrolling through some files. "Has only had two detentions in his life; one was for missing too many school days and another was for—oh lord."

"What? What is it?" Natasha butted in, peering over the billionaire's shoulder.

"His other detention was for going missing in D.C at the time of a decathalon meet. He was M.I.A for an entire day before showing up after his teammates encountered a horrific accident to which Spiderman saved them," Tony explained, squinting slightly to read the bright screen.

"Was Spiderman there when he showed up?" Natasha asked curiously.

"Nope. The spider kid was gone by the time everyone got out of the building, and that was when this Peter kid showed up."

Natasha smirked to herself; she was pretty sure she just found evidence.

"Thanks Tones. I appreciate your help," she said, patting her teammate on the shoulder.

Tony coughed awkwardly. "Um yeah, no problem?"


"So the money's been transferred, right?"

Harley nodded. "Yep; Conners doesn't suspect a damn thing."

"I feel like this is going to backfire," Peter sighed as he stared at the small spider crawling around on his hand. "They've got to know something's up by now. A supposed twenty-three year old usually doesn't have nine hundred grand to donate to an illegal cause."

"He has a point," MJ chimed in from her spot on the couch; she was sprawled over the cushions reading a book.

"We have a solid three hours before they try to extract the online deposit into actual money," Harry added. "We need to infiltrate the building now."

"I'm ready whenever you guys are," Harley said. "We need to make this exchange quick; if we can make it out of their with evidence and then pose as innocent tourists, the police with catch 'em in no time."

The trip to Oscorp wasn't long. In the short time it took to get there, the four vigilantes worked out a plan.

Harry and Peter would go in through the roof, much like how Peter and MJ entered Stark Tower those few weeks ago. MJ would roam the hallway to distract anyone from entering the room. Harley would stay outside and hack into the security systems to make sure they weren't seen.

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