Chapter 4

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Francesca P.O.V

we were currently in my room waiting for my mom to give us a movie and some nachos.when I got bored and asked.

"Hey guys what do think of those boys?"

"Who Ashton Michael Luke and Calum?" Angela asked.


"Honestly I think their pretty hot" Payton said.

"What about you sasha I'm surprised you haven't said anything witty about them yet in fact you haven't said anything at all since we got home" I said turning my attention to her who was laying in my bed on her phone.

"What oh um their pretty cool" she said.

I looked at Payton who was whispering in Angela's ear. And getting up to walk over to me and told me we were going to jump on sasha and take her phone and see who she's been talking to.

Payton held up her fingers from three to two one and we jumped on her. Her phone flew in the air and payton jumped and grabbed it. She gasped and shaked her head.

"Wow you couldn't wait till you got home huh sasha?" She said.

Handing it to angela who gasped passing it to me.

As I looked it the phone and looked at the contact I didn't gasp or shake my head in fact I laughed and was shaking of how funny it was.she was texting Luke and named him lukey with three heart emojis next to it.

"Lu-lukey really you just met and you have his number and have nicknames for each other that's hilarious what's your name?"

"Sha-sha" she said blushing.

"Do you need help or something what's wrong you never let something like this happen without having a witty comment sash" Angela said worried. Putting her hand or her forehead.

"Its called love my sweet children face it everyone goes through it " I said kissing them on their foreheads.

"I'm not in love with him god its not even anything I don't like him at all god just leave me alone I gotta go" she screamed as she got up and grabbed her backpack and left. Before she left I saw her smirk at me and have a slight blush on her face.

"Aren't we gonna go after her?" Angela asked.

"Nah let my darling learn her lesson and face the facts" I told them

My mom came in with some nachos and a movie and asked where sasha was.

"She's in a better place now" I said with all of us laughing. My mom having a confused looked shrugging it off and leaving.

"Your mom must have been thinking wtf what is my daughter talking about?" Angela said imitating my mom.

"If my mom said wtf I would have stuffed pillows in my ear" I said.

We finished the movie and angela had already left halfway through.

"Hey I gotta go its getting late see you tomorrow k?" Payton said.

"Sure see you tomorrow. want me to drop you off home?" I asked her.

"Nah my moms outside bye."


Woahh does sasha even like Luke or is he just a kiss and go bye.xoxo

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