When I Knew |Grayson Dolan|

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Your POV

You lazily opened your eyes as you sat up with a stretch. A yawn leaving your lips as you looked behind you and saw Grayson laying there softly snoring, his arm still lazily draped on your lap. You smiled and brushed his hair away from his face as you placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. He slightly stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. You got up and went into his bathroom to do your business and then to shower as well.

You had finished getting ready and came out of the bathroom, Grayson on his phone calling someone with a frantic look on his face. His eyes snapped over to where you were and he instantly hung up and scrambled out of bed to hold you.

"I thought you went home" He whined in his raspy morning voice

"Gray" You smiled as he planted small kisses on your neck and cheeks "I was just getting ready for the day"

"Next time leave a note I was so sad" He said looking down at you "You look cute in my hoodies"

A blush rose to your cheeks as he admired you, you shyly looked away from his gaze and stepped back with a small smile. Grayson chuckled at how you reacted to his comment, you guys had been dating for six months and his words still had the same effect on you.

"I'm gonna go pick up food I'll be back!" You quickly said rushing out the door making him laugh.

"Where's Y/N going?" Ethan asked as he walked into his brothers room

"To pick up food" He said

"Man, I love that girl" Ethan grins looking to the door

"Yeah, me too" Grayson says unknowingly making Ethan's head snap towards him

"You love her?" Ethan excitedly asked

Grayson stood there frozen for a minute, did he love you? He thought about the overwhelming feeling he got when he saw how well you got on with Ethan, and when you instantly bonded with his mom and Cameron. He felt the same feeling when you took his grandparents and his mom out to your favorite places around where you grew up and how you spoiled them all day. He felt that overwhelming feeling when he saw you cuddled up on the couch back in Jersey with his little cousins reading books and playing.

He got that same feeling every single moment he spent with you and he knew that you weren't someone he wanted to let go of ever. Grayson looked back to Ethan with a blush and a bright smile.

"I love her" Grayson responded "I really do"

"When did you know?" Ethan asked

"When she spent the day with our family without even having to, when she took care of us both when we got sick, when she goes out on random food trips and always brings us something back." Grayson said "When she'd smile and kiss me on the cheek every morning when she thought I was asleep."

"Grayson?" You asked choked up as you walked in holding bags of food "Do you really mean all of that?"

"Yeah. I do, I really love you" Grayson laughed lightly

You set the food on the floor and ran into his arms, the warmth of his touch bringing you a sense of security and happiness.

"I love you too Grayson" You grinned kissing him

His arms held you tighter as he gently lifted you up, you pulled back giggling and hiding in his shoulder once you realized Ethan was right there.

"Fuck, I'm really single as shit" Ethan pouted making all three of you erupt into laughter

It's been a month since I updated this I'm so sorry. LOL but hi!!

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