Midnight |Grayson Dolan|

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Grayson only ever saw the beautiful, mysterious girl at that time every night. She would stand on her balcony and sit on the chair staring at the moon and the stars. Grayson didn't know who she was, he never saw her during the day, he wish he knew her name.

He slowly approached the sliding glass door and opened it, he stepped outside his bare feet touching to cool pavement. He looked over to where she'd be and there she was, knees tucked to her chest while she rested her chin upon them. Her eyes stuck on the sky as the moonlight illuminated her smooth skin. Grayson let out a small sigh as he sat on the hammock swinging a bit as he did so.

The girl looked over to Grayson, her curiosity getting the best of her as she stared at the beautiful stranger. She always noticed him come out at the same time as she did every night. Her eyes wandered down his built figure, she wondered how tall he was seeing as she couldn't tell due to the fact that he was sitting. Her lips formed into a pout as the moonlight shone on his tan skin. He looked godly.

I wonder what his name is. She thought to herself m

Grayson still sat staring at the sky, unknowing to the fact that this girl he'd been fascinated by was watching him closely. She turned her head back to the sky and let out a dreamy sigh as she began to imagine what this beautiful stranger's voice sounded like. She turned her head again and gasped quietly as she noticed his eyes were trained on her.

Grayson blushed as the girl made eye contact with him. Her lips slowly tugged into a small smile as she stood up leaning on the railing of her balcony.

"Hi stranger" She said, her voice wavering in the night air.

"Hey...I'm Grayson" He smiled shyly

"Y/N" She grinned "So what brings you out here?"

"You" He admitted

Y/N was taken back at his answer, Grayson came out every night for her? She couldn't believe what she heard, she was shocked. Grayson stood to his full height and walked over to the fence that separated them.

"You come out every night for me?" She blushes

"How else am I supposed to see my beautiful yet mysterious neighbor?" He teased

"You're pretty dashing  yourself Grayson" She smirked

Grayson chuckled as he looked down trying to hide his obvious blush. He looked back up at Y/N, admiring the way the cool breeze blew her long hair behind her slightly.

"You know, I'd like to see you in daylight Y/N" Grayson smiled "Not just at night when you're being a vampire"

"That can be arranged" Y/N smirked "I should go back inside and get some rest"

"What? Why so early?" Grayson frowned not wanting her to leave just yet.

"I have someone to meet tomorrow " She playfully smiled "They requested to see me in sunlight"

"Oh" Grayson smiled catching on "I suppose I should do the same"

"Goodnight Grayson" Y/N smiled

"Goodnight Y/N" He responded with a smile of his own.

That night was far better than the ones before where they'd only dream of being with each other. Tonight, their dreams of meeting were a reality. The sun couldn't come up any faster.

I kinda really like this one? Idk I just thought of it rn and I'm diggin it

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