Only You |Ethan Dolan|

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Your POV

The soft green grass brushed against your skin as you laid back staring up at the sky. The few white clouds that floated around the blue sky making you sigh with delight. A warm summer breeze brushing against your skin. You turned your head slightly to the side and saw Ethan and Grayson laughing. The two brothers chasing each other around as they played with the football. You admired their strong bond and the way they loved each other so much that they'd do anything for one another.

Ethan felt your stare and looked over at you, he blew you a kiss and smiled widely knowing he'd accomplished making you blush. Grayson waved at you happily with a large smile making you giggle and wave back. Ethan was so distracted by your beauty that he didn't notice when Grayson snatched the ball from his hand and began to ran.

"Hey!" Ethan yelled chasing after the younger of the two.

You smiled and let out a small chuckle before turning back to face the sky. You shut your eyes as you brushed your fingers against the grass, you always loved being outside and the way the sun and warm breeze felt against your skin made you love it even more. A shadow looked over you making you open your eyes, you saw Ethan hovering above you with a cheeky smirk on his pink lips.

"Yes?" You grin raising an eyebrow.

"Hi" Ethan smiled lowering himself closer to your face, his lips brushing against yours

"Hi" You mumble as he closed the gap, kissing you sweetly.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, your hands tangled in his soft hair. You pulled away from him and stared at him curiously.

"What was that for?" You asked

"You just look so beautiful and it made me want to kiss you" Ethan smiled "I want to kiss you all the time"

You let out a soft laugh, hands pressed against his cheeks gently. You kiss the tip of his nose and pull back rubbing small circles on his cheek with your thumb. A blush covering his face as you admired the beautiful boy above you.

"You're so cute Ethan" You coo kissing him briefly

Ethan stared at you, his eyes boring into yours. His lips parting as if he wanted to speak but couldn't. He looked away for a moment looking unsure of himself, you felt your heart twist with worry at his actions. Ethan returned his gaze on you and took in a deep breath before letting it out.

"Y/N...I need to tell you something" He lowly said

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" You respond making him nod

"I can't keep it to myself anymore" Ethan said suddenly acting very shy "You made me fall for you in these six months we've been together. I love you Y/N, with all my heart"

"You love me?" You whispered shocked at his confession

"Only you" Ethan blushed "I love you"

"Oh Ethan" You breathes out with a smile you push him back and lift yourself up causing him to roll under you. "I love you too E"

Ethan smiled widely as you leaned down and kissed him with everything you had. The love and passion you felt pouring into that single kiss. Ethan Dolan has stolen your heart and you had stolen his. You'd be a fool to let this breathtaking human slip away.

"I love you" You both say at the same time a loving smile on both of your faces as you held each other tightly.

So apparently i can write fluff and stuff that isn't depressing as fuck. HAHAHA Anyways I hope this wasn't too cheesy for you guys

Also thank you for 1k!!

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