Chances |Ethan Dolan|

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Your POV

Everyone knew who you were at school, the young girl who had her heart ripped to shreds sophomore year, the girl who was once sweeter than honey and filled with joy now just a bitter empty shell. You had changed since getting your heart broken, I mean who wouldn't? You were mean and reckless, you didn't care for anybody's feelings anymore. Everyone knew he was cheating on you with your supposed best friend, yet nobody said a word.

"Hey Y/N" Someone called out making you turn your head turn to the voice

A small glare and scowl overtook your once calm exterior as you noticed who exactly was calling for you. Ethan Dolan, he and his twin had transferred to your school two months after the incident and since the moment Ethan saw you, he knew he wanted you. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk away from him as you didn't have the patience to listen to him today.

"Where are you going?" Ethan asked walking beside you now

"Home" You bluntly responded

Ethan's face filled with confusion as he looked at a clock that was perched up against the wall. His plump pink lips parting slightly as he realized that it barely noon.

"But school isn't over yet" He said

"Your point?" You snapped "Look, Ethan. If you came to play good cop or whatever just go, I don't want to hear it"

"Can I come with you?" He asked

"What?" You asked

"Can I come with you?" Ethan repeated

He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, his hands stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie. You shook your head letting out a small chuckle. You walked closer to him and looked up at his face, his eyes bore into yours as you parted your lips to speak.

"You can't come with me" You said lowly

"Please I promise to behave" Ethan begged "Just give me a chance"

You stood there momentarily as you thought about what you'd be losing. Your eyes trained on the floor as you thought about it. With a slow nod and the lift of your head you looked at him.

"You can come" You said "But you have to show me why you deserve this chance"


Might do a part two, not too sure yet. But I hope you enjoyed it okay byeee

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