Nerd |Grayson Dolan|

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Your POV

The classroom was filled with loud laughter and multiple voices rambling about a party or simple plans to go out. You let out a sigh as you rolled your eyes and slouched in your seat. Nobody bothered trying to talk to you seeing as they were terrified of you. You were known as a misfit, a reckless individual who had a keen eye for trouble. As you sat there watching as the teacher lamely attempted to quiet down the class you scoffed.

"So we will be having a project and you will be assigned partners" Your teacher spoke making the class groan "Please listen for your names as I call them out"

You looked around the room your eyes landing on the quiet, nerdy kid in your class named Grayson. You thought he was very cute but you knew better than to mess with him, he'd never go for a girl like you and you were never going to go after him.

"Y/N and Grayson" Your teacher said making the class snicker as they looked at Grayson

A few made eye contact with you but soon shut up as they noticed your cold glare. Grayson looked over to you and blushed as he caught your attention, his hands sat in his lap as he stared down. You chuckled at the boy who had become so soft in that moment. You stood up after the teacher said to get with your partner and sat in the chair next to Grayson.

"Hey Grayson" You said leaning a bit closer to him

"Hi" He shyly said peeking up at you through his lashes "We can go to mine if you'd like?"

You said nothing to him as you leaned back and nodded. The day passed by fairly quickly because you were excited to go with Grayson. You stood by your car waiting for him to show. Your eyes shine with amusement as the clumsy boy struggled to hold onto his books while racing towards you. You had no clue as to why he was running until you say the jocks chasing him.

"Get in the car" You demanded. He wasted no time and slid right in as you glared at the jocks. You locked your car and walked towards them

"Let the nerd run free so we can get him" One of them said

You let out a laugh and then turned serious as you slammed your fist into his face. Blood oozed out of his nose and down his face.

"You try and touch Grayson again and I'll make sure it's not just a broken nose and finger" You sneered grabbing his hand and snapping his finger.

You left the two jocks in shock and complete pain. Grayson looked at you in awe as you slipped into your car and began to drive away. He pushed his glasses up slowly, eyes still trained on you. You pulled into his driveway already knowing where he lived since he was your next door neighbor. Grayson still staring at you in awe.

You smirked lightly at the boy as you leaned closer, his cheeks turning a soft pink, his hazel eyes twinkling in the light. His lips parting as he tried to think of words to say but nothing came out. You lifted your hand to his face and slowly removed his glasses. Grayson was extremely handsome but because he was a nerd nobody gave him a second glance.

"Thank you for defending me" He quietly said as you got closer to his face.

"I'll always defend you" You mumble allowing yourself to kiss him softly.

After a few moments Grayson pulled back his chest heaving from how hard he was panting. You snickered and leaned back looking at the boy.

"Thank you for that too" He blushed making you lean forward and kiss his red cheeks.

"I would do it all night if I could" You cheekily said

This one sucked but like I'm trying to sleep so don't get mad at me lol. ITS 3am I DONT WANNA FAIL OKAH SO GOODNIGHT

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