Chapter 35

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One Week Later.

Our final rehearsal is in two weeks. The rehearsing process just flew by rapidly. I've become a much better dancer than I was and I'm getting into Broadway music.

It feels fantastic to finally get back into my music. Being on stage with the lights on me, pretending to be someone else is always exhilarating. I'm finally starting to appreciate it again.

Ashton has been very affectionate with me recently, more than normal. It's kind of strange in a way, but I'm not complaining.

"Alright, let's take five." Myers yells through the auditorium. The entire cast evacuates the stage and I walk off through the wings. I take out my phone and text Ash.

I'm on break. How's it hanging?

I wait for a response that doesn't come in. Trying to shake the thought off of my mind, I walk to the vending machine to buy a bag of chips, but it gets stuck. I try kicking the machine, but nothing happens. I begin to curse, but hear a giggle down the hall.

My head automatically shoots up and looks in the direction of the noise. I walk down the hall, but don't see anyone. I start to get nervous, so I begin to play with my necklace. I walk down the hallway and then stop when I remember I only had five minutes. I turn to go down a different hallway to get to the auditorium quicker, but instead, I hear my heart break.

The laugh that I heard came from Brooke.

What was she laughing at?


What is Ashton doing?

Kissing her.

Everything feels numb and cold. I knew deep down that he never really loved me, I just hoped I wasn't right.

Brooke has Ashton pinned against the wall and is kissing him passionately. I hear myself gasp and both of their heads turn to me. Brooke looks like she's shocked to see me, but Ashton has sad eyes.

This is pushing me over the edge. I'm about to fall off the cliff of despondency, forever.

"Oh God." Brooke sarcastically says, putting a hand over her mouth and gasping.

"Juliet." Ashton whispers.

I just fell over the cliff.

"Jay." I chock out. I turn around and run from them, going down a different hallway and darting into the dressing room. I feel water pouring out of my eyes and my heart rate going out of control.

My body is shaking and I'm sobbing uncontrollably. He told me he would never hurt me. He told me he would protect me. He told me that I'm his weakness. He told me... He told me...

He told me he loved me.

I hear the dressing room door open and look in the mirror in-front of me to see who it is.

"Get out!" I yell, turning around to see Brooke staring at me.

"I told you this was going to happen, Jay."

"You're such an asshole. Get out!"

"I told you to enjoy him while you had him, but did you? No."

"Y-You sent that text?"

"Of course I did. This is all your own fault, Juliet. You took him for granted and now he left you."

"I did not take him for granted!"

"Yes you did. If you didn't, he wouldn't have felt unsatisfied and he wouldn't have come to me."

"I swear, Brooke, I'm going to lose it if you don't get the fuck out of here!" I yell.

"Stop trying to be normal, Summers. Stop trying to get him to love you because I can assure you that he never did and he never will!"

"Stop it!"

"You're a piece of shit, Juliet! You got what you deserved!" Just as I'm about to retaliate, I feel a hand connect with my cheek and I fall to the ground. "This is what you get for trying to fit in." I feel a kick to my stomach and want to throw up. I can't do this anymore.

"Please just stop!"

"Why should I?!"

"Because I said so!" I hear another voice enter the room, this time it's masculine. I know who it is, I just can't get the energy to look up from my position on the ground. "Get out Brooke."

"B-but Ashton, I"

"Did you not hear what I just said?! Leave!"

Without saying another word, I hear the door open and slam shut. As footsteps come closer to me, I move away from them. Ashton releases a sigh and then speaks in a low, solemn voice.

"I'm sorry, Juliet." He says. "It has to be this way."

"It has to be this way? What way, Ashton? You cheating on me and then sending that bitch to hurt me?"

"No, I never sent her to hurt you. I would never do that. That's the whole point!"

"What's the whole point?"

"I can't have you getting hurt. Things are changing, Juliet, and they're changing rapidly. If something happens I can't... I can't have you get caught in the crossfire. I'm sorry."

I don't realize I'm crying until Ashton moves to wipe a tear away. I quickly move backwards, away from his touch and look down.

"Don't worry. I won't be able to hurt you for much longer."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Just do me a favor. Find someone who won't be able to hurt you. Find someone on the same successful path as you. It's not me, Juliet. I wish you all of the success in the world."

"Don't, Ashton."

"Don't blame yourself for this."

"Okay, sure Ashton! I won't blame myself for you going to some other girl and making out with them."

"We weren't making out, Juliet, you don't understand!"

"What don't I understand? Is this some cryptic way of you telling me something?"

"It's a cryptic way of me saving you from anymore pain than you're already going through!" After a moment of awkward silence, he stands up and starts to walk away. "I love you, Juliet. I never want you to forget that."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

"You'll understand one day."

And with that, he leaves. He walks right out of my life with no remorse. This was probably his plan all along. To build me up so he can tear me back down.

I'm alone. I should just accept that I will always be alone. Either I stay alone or I allow myself to be played.

I should just stay in my turtle shell, where I belong.

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