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"Are you gonna sit there all day?"

      THE WOMAN, KNOWN ONLY AS ANIMALIA, lazily chucked a piece of scrap metal to the side, finding no interest in it

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THE WOMAN, KNOWN ONLY AS ANIMALIA, lazily chucked a piece of scrap metal to the side, finding no interest in it. Her hands dug deeper into the pile of scraps, pretty much burrowing into the pile due to the badager ability flowing through her. Her eyes worked quickly, checking each individual object. She would pull some out to see if it'd be worth taking, before chucking it loosely to the side.

Sakaar's sun shone brightly in the middle of the sky, slightly burning Animalia's dark skin. The young woman let out a sigh before placing her hand on the Wildlife stone, exhaling slowly and thinking of an eagle. At said thought, an eagle entity formed behind her, the bright blue outline of the animal growing twice as tall as her before evaporating in the wind.

Animalia jumped up and threw her arms up and down like wings. She flapped them exactly like wings and flew higher, soaring over the trashed landscape.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the gentle breeze that flowed over Sakaar, brushing her dark hair away from her face. She smiled at the feeling.

Using the abilities of a type of bird had always been her favourite, ever since she learnt how to use the relic around her neck. Flying was something that she loved because it brought her above everyone else, taking her away from the normal annoyances of everyday life. It gave her the serenity she craved almost constantly.

"You got anything?" an annoyed but gruff voice asked the woman.

Animalia, focusing on using one arm to fly, placed a hand against her ear which contained a small earpiece. "No, same trash that Sakaar always has," her own tone showed her annoyance towards their luck. "What about you? You usually have better luck then me, Valkyrie?"

The Asgardian protector let out a huff, signalling her status as well.

Animalia sighed as she dropped on top of another pile of garbage, embracing the badger's abilities again and digging through the pile.

She pulled out metal tubes, steel planks, broken devices that caught her interest but she didn't know how to work. Some paper scrunched under her and the woman narrowed her eyes at the writing before rolling her them and screwing it up. She threw the now balled paper to the side, climbing back to her feet to see Valkyrie fly over her in her own ship.

The ex warrior was looking down at the landscape as well, sipping on her alcoholic beverage every few moments.

The two woman both weren't sakaarans, both being from different planets in the large galaxy. This however only made them closer when Animalia first crashed onto the trash planet. Valkyrie had been there to save her from scavengers and she kept her away from the Grandmaster's clutches. That was the beginning of a friendship between one of the warriors known as Valkyries and the Zelea resident with the ancient artifact, one that man thought to not exist.

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