Chapter 18

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Sam's pov

   Today was the day we finally fly home! I can't decide if I'm excited to go home, or hating the fact we have to go home. I'm excited because we get to see our other friends and actually get to sleep in our own beds! But I hate the fact we have to leave because I have no clue how people will react to Colby and I, plus this whole Brennen incident. I have so much to say to him and I'm honestly scared that either me or Colby will beat his ass, 'scuse my French.  I know Colby probably has some words for him, but I can't guarantee any of them will be kind.

   We're all currently in the middle of cleaning and packing up the RV. Everyone is working on their own respective area, but we still manage to goof off quite a bit. We had a lot of cleaning to do, but not too much packing. I was making up Colby and I's bed and fixing up the small kitchen table, Colby was cleaning up the kitchen area and helped me with the table a little bit (at least his version of helping). Corey was cleaning up the driving area and Elton had the bathroom. Once the cleaning was done, it felt so empty it was insane.

   "I don't wanna go home" Colby said, grabbing onto my hand and squeezing. I looked at him and smiled, which I got a small smile back from him.

   "I know, neither do I, but think about this, we have actual beds and no gas station food!" I said, trying to brighten the mood.

   "But home also has assholes." Colby whispered so only I could hear. I squeezed his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

   "Alright ladies! Get all your stuff together! We're off to the airport!" Elton screamed from the drivers seat, Corey next to him looking like he could fall asleep in five minutes. I nodded and Colby and I took our seats at the table. Colby rested his head on my shoulder and wouldn't let go of my arm. I can definitely wait to get home. I can already tell this isn't going to turn out too great..


Hey! Sorry for such the long wait for such a short chapter! School just started back up and I've had such a bad writers block! The story is coming to an end so hopefully the last few chapters will be much longer! Have a good night ,morning, afternoon, or whatever time of day! <3

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