Chapter 7

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Colby's pov

I woke up to the warm sensation of Sam against me. I guess he had snuggled up to me when I was asleep. I sat up but immediately got dizzy and put my head in my hands to stabilize myself. Suddenly I remembered what had happened last night.

 F L A S H B A C K

I was sitting back at home with all of the roommates in our large living room. Everything seemed perfectly fine and overall peaceful. But of course things like that don't last long. There was a loud rapid banging on the front door. No one seemed fazed by it, almost like they didn't even hear it. The door barged open, the light colored wood splintering in some places. A dark figure stepped into the room, looming over the roommates and me. He didn't say a word, barely even moved, he just stared at me with those deep red eyes. I've seen this before. suddenly the shadows started to fade. The figure stood in its glory, awaiting the shadowy cloak to dissipate from his body. Finally, I saw him. There stood my father, the one that tormented me, abused me, tried to kill me, and threatened to kill the ones I love. He gave me a sickening smile as he widened his eyes, the same crazed look as always. I was frozen in utter fear, I couldn't move or speak, I just had to watch what was about to unfold. He slowly stepped up to Elton, putting his hand to his head and snapping his fingers. All of a sudden, Elton appeared above where he once sat, tied in a noose, his body limp. My tears started to finally pour. Next, he stepped to Corey, he caressed the side of Corey's face, snapping his fingers soon after. Corey was on the ground, a bullet wound shown through his forehead. I couldn't take this anymore, I wanted to scream and stop him, I didn't want to see anyone else die! Next, was Sam. He walked up to the delicate blond sat on the couch. His smile got wider. He grazed Sam's arm lightly, feeling the soft skin below his fingertip.

   "Stop please! I haven't done anything! I swear I'll do anything! I don't want to die! Colby, help!" Sam screamed, suddenly out of the supposed trance. Sam was bawling his eyes out, cuts started randomly appearing on his pale skin. He snapped. Sam was slumped on the couch, cuts lining his wrists, slits on his throat, and a knife, sticking out of his chest. His once shining blue eyes, now devoid of life. The shadows re-appeared around my fathers body as he stepped closer and closer to me. The shadows started swarming around my body, making it hard to breath. Then, I woke up.

   F L A S H B A C K  O V E R

I scanned the room I was in, seeing Corey, Elton and Sam and let out a sigh of relief. I rubbed my head a bit, only now feeling the pain of bumping my head earlier before scooting to the edge of the small bed and hopping to the cold floor beneath me. I went over to the small table next to me and noticed a small note on it. I lifted it up so I could read it. It had said that Elton and Corey had walked to the store that was a few blocks down the road to get some food. I put the note back down and picked up my phone which was still on the charger. I looked at my lock screen and noticed about eight or nine texts from Brennen. I tilted my head slightly, confused as to why he would be texting me. I put in my passcode and immediately went to my messages.

   Brennen: Hey.

   Brennen: I have something I need to tell you.

   Brennen: Please it's important.

   Brennen: Ok, well if you're asleep, then I'm sorry about this.

   Brennen: Sam was texting me last night for a while and it got, a bit intimate..

   Brennen: He kept asking me if we could do things when you all got back and kept calling me names like we were in a relationship.

   I sat in awe, just staring at my phone, shaking slightly. My tears threatened to spill over. I scrolled down a bit more and found the finishing blow. There were screenshots of him and Sam's conversation. He was right, Sam had said all of these sexual and loving things to Brennen, and not to his soul mate. I picked up his phone with my other hand, clicking the home button to turn on the screen. My tears finally started falling, his lock screen was blown up from texts with Brennen, he was asking where did Sam go, when he was coming back, and when they should 'meet up' to have their fun. I gently put his phone down, not wanting to see anymore of it. My wrist started stinging, I thought nothing of it. I set my phone down next to his quietly, tears falling onto the glass screen, and walked silently over to my luggage. I unzipped all the compartments and pulled almost everything out until I found it, my switchblade. I put it in my pocket and started putting my bag back together so no one would know. I tip-toes over to the bathroom, opening the sliding door and stepping into the cramped space. I shut the door quickly and locked it, making sure no one could come in. I sat on the toilet cover and grabbed my knife out of my back pocket. My tears started pouring out heavier as I listed off reasons in my head.

   'Useless' 1 cut

   'ugly' 2 cuts

   'fat' 3 cuts

   There were so many more that went through my head, so many cuts that lined my arms by the end. I didn't want to stop, it helped, but the dizziness took its toll and forced me to stop the harm. I looked down at the crimson coated cuts, loving the sight of them. I slipped the now bloody knife back in my pocket and unlocked the door. I silently stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to my bag. I grabbed out a long sleeve XPLR shirt and put it over my bleeding cuts; I slipped on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and was almost ready to do whatever was planned. I brushed my hair a bit and put a beanie over it all. I looked back at my arms, no blood being able to be seen through the black shirt. I felt sick, sick of everything that has happened within the past hour, sick of being thrown out and replaced, sick of being alive. I needed to better myself, then maybe Sam will actually want his soul mate by his side.

   I walked over to the full body mirror and scanned over myself. I looked awful, I was a mess and to top it all off, I was fat. I immediately walked over to the bathroom once again and kneeled in front of the toilet. I know what I needed to do and If it meant making Sam happy the so be it. I stuck my fingers down my throat until I felt the sudden gagging sensation. All the food that was once in my stomach, now leaving as fast as it came in. I did this about five more times, until all that was coming out was bile. I stood up and wiped my mouth with some toilet paper as I walked to the sink. I brushed my teeth to get the awful taste of food and bile out of my mouth. I slowly exited the bathroom and sat at the kitchen table once again. It was completely silent, until the sudden sound of shuffling broke the heavy silence. I looked up, watching Sam hop out of bed looking happy as ever. I needed to put on an act, he can't know that I know.

   "Hey baby! How'd you sleep?" He questioned, I hated how happy he sounded, all because of Brennen.

   "Morning Sammie, and I slept great! Do you know what we're doing today?" I asked, automatically putting on a smile and faking the happy sound in my voice. He shook his head as he came closer to me. He sat on my lap and hugged me tightly around my neck. I hesitantly laced my arms around his neck waist and hugged him back.

   "I love you Colebear,  forever and always!"

   "I love you too Sammie."

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