Chapter 11

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Sam's pov:

   "Sam, Sammy, Sam-I-am, Samuel!" Someone screamed in my face. I jolted up, being scared by the abrupt voice and ended up head butting whoever was the culprit. I grabbed my head and opened my eyes to see Elton holding his head and laughing.

   "Why would you wake me up like that you dick hole?" I asked, groaning in the process.

   "Cause you need to be awake if we're exploring dummy!" Elton screamed. I looked at my phone and finally realized how late it actually was. I had slept in until 3:36PM! I sat up in my little bed and wrapped my fluffy blanket around me, looking like a very soft nun. I rubbed my eyes, hoping that maybe that will wake me up a bit. I slid to the edge of my bed and jumped onto the floor below me. My eyes were still squinted as I walked to my bag and grabbed out my XPLR shirt, a new pair of black skinny jeans and a new pair of black boxers. I walked slowly to the small bathroom and opened the sliding door. I stepped in and closed it behind me, quickly slipping on my clothes for the day. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked back over to my bag. I put my now dirty clothes in the bottom of my bag and grabbed out a baby pink 'Take chances' hoodie. Corey and Elton already looked ready to go and explore wherever we were going, but Colby was still in the drivers seat. He looked tired but more awake than ever, his hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, but he was focused, like he wanted to stay awake as long as he could.

   "He's been awake practically all night. He switched with me at one AM and has been driving ever since. I offered to switch with him when I woke up, but he said he was fine." Elton piped in, I just nodded and slowly started to walk over to Colby.

   "Baby? You should stop driving for a while to get yourself cleaned up. Elton will drive us to a gas station or something and get you an energy drink so you'll stay awake!" I said, rubbing his shoulders, making him relax and tense at the same time. All he did was nod and pull over. I backed up a bit so he could get through, but instead, all he did was launch forward and wrap me in a tight hug. I quickly hugged back and smiled.

   "I love you Sam. Don't forget that." He said, sounding more tired than he looked.

   "I love you too Colbear, forever and always!" I said, letting go of the hug and grabbing his hands. He smiled back at me, not a full one, but more of one than he's been giving me. I lead his out to the back part of the RV and to his bag. He leaned down and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, black boxers, a white t-shirt, and a black XPLR hoodie.  I pulled him towards the bathroom and stepped in with him, not shutting the door yet. I combed his hair with my fingers, him pushing his head into his hands. I smiled at him and looked into his somewhat grayed eyes.

   "Get ready ok? I'll be right out here waiting for you." I said, he nodded and lightly pushed me out of the bathroom before shutting the door. Within a few minutes he was out, looking amazing as always. He still looked worn out, he's torturing himself by staying up nights on end, I don't know what he might do. I saw the fake texts from Brennen. I told him to stop doing that kind of stuff and to leave Colby and I alone for a while. But I've checked Colby's phone. Brennen is trying to mess with us by telling him everything 'he's done'. I've deleted all his messages and made sure that our relationahip is as safe as it can be, right?


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