Chapter 19

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Colby's pov:

   We had just drove into the airport and my dread grew as we got closer and closer. Sam had ended up falling asleep on my shoulder during the drive over here and I really didn't want to wake him up, he looked so peaceful; but it wasn't really my choice. 

   "Is he passed out?" Elton walked over and asked after he finally parked the RV. I slowly nodded and he started silently laughing. He looked at Corey and waved him over, all the while I was so confused. 

   "On the count of three, everyone start clapping, ok?" Elton whispered and Corey laughed a bit. I smiled and nodded along. 

   "Okay ready? 1... 2... 3!" Elton whispered. On the last count, we all started clapping and I felt Sam lift his head. All of a sudden he began to clap his hands with us, his eyes still closed. Everyone burst out laughing and Sam finally opened his eyes and laughed along with us. 

   "Well good morning sunshine! Time to get off this god forsaken RV and onto the plane home!"  Elton screamed while moving to grab his bags. Sam stretched next to me and I couldn't help but stare. How did I end up with someone like him? He's so perfect, and I'm just, not. 

   "See something you like cutie?" Sam said while looking at me and smirking slightly. 

   "Absolutely." I said as I wrapped my arms around his midsection and squeezing him tight. Sam giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed the top of my head while giggling. 

   "I love you cutie, so so much" Sam whispered to me. I smiled and nuzzled into his neck, lightly kissing his neck. 

   "I love you too loser, now lets go get our stuff and get out of here!" I said, pushing him a bit to scooch him out of the small seat. He laughed and put his hands up in surrender. I stood up and stretched a bit before going to grab my bag and follow everyone out of the cramped RV. It's weird. I really didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to stay either. There was so many bad memories that happened in this place, but I know the second we get home, so many more bad things will happen. I took a big breath and stepped out of the RV. 

   "Everyone have everything? Chargers, headphones, wallets, anything left in there?" Elton asked. Corey gasped a bit and dropped his bag and ran back inside. A few minutes later he ran back out with a twenty dollar bill. 

   "I forgot  hid this from you so I didn't have to pay for dinner!" Corey laughed. We all laughed a bit and finally closed up the RV. We started to head inside of the airport and my nerves started to get to me. We went through security, Corey getting stopped because he forgot to take the chain off of his jeans. Eventually we sat down and waited for our plane to get called. 

   "Hey, I'm going to go grab something quick to eat, do you want to come with me and grab something too?" Sam asked me. 

   "Sure! I might just get a coffee though, I don't want to have to get up on the plane ride." I said, while in reality I was really nervous about eating. I didn't want to get any bigger than I already am. Sam stood up and reached his hand out for me to take; I grabbed his hand and stood up next to him. 

   "Hey Elton, Corey, Colby and I are running to grab something to drink! Do you guys want anything?" Sam asked, I thought he wanted something to eat though..

   "Ooh yeah, could you get me a Redbull, or if they don't have that then just a black coffee!" Elton replied, Sam just nodded and looked at Corey seeing if he wanted anything. 

   "I'll just have a water so I can actually fall asleep on the flight, thank you!" Corey said, not looking away from his phone. 

   "Okay, we'll be right back!" Sam said, walking away and pulling me with him. I caught up slightly and squeezed his hand a bit. He looked down at me and smiled at bit, squeezing my hand back. 

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