Chapter 3

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Colby's pov

We all continued to step into the quaint pizza restaurant. We took a seat in the back corner of the building, a nice round booth. Corey and Elton had sat next to each other and Sam and I sat together. Sam's eyes still looked dull. I feel awful. I know what caused him to change. I had ruined our moment earlier and it ruined him. I don't understand why though, even if we're soul mates, he has never shown any sign of liking me! I need to take this upon myself. The waiter came to our table, he was a tall man with blond hair tied up into a man bun, and took our orders, two pizzas, one pepperoni for Elton and Corey and one bacon for Sam and I. After we all had ordered, Corey took no time to comment on his hair. They spent about thirty minutes talking about hair and everything beyond that. The waiter finally cut off the conversation and brought our orders to be cooked.

   "So, how has everyone's night been?" Corey said, trying to start up a conversation to escape from the awkward silence. Sam immediately stood up.

   "I'll be right back, running to the bathroom." Sam spoke in the most monotone voice I have ever heard from him. I watched as he disappeared behind the wooden door of the bathroom. I looked at Elton and he nodded at me. I knew what I had to do. I stood up and went straight to the restrooms. I opened the surprisingly heavy wooden door and stepped inside, hearing the door close behind me.

   "Sam?" I slightly screamed through out the small tiled room. No one responded. I listened for something, anything, just a sign he was ok. I heard a quiet sniffle from the second stall. I knocked lightly on the yellow stall door, hearing a small gasp emit from inside.

   "Sammy, please come out. We really need to talk, it's important." I said, trying my best not to break out into tears.

   " Please go away. I'm useless to you. I can't do anything right Colby." He said, obviously crying his eyes out. I sighed, I don't know what to do.

   "Sam, you've been my best friend since middle school. You know I can't live without you! Please come out so we can talk this out!" I said raising my voice slightly. I heard the stall door quietly unlock and watched it open. There stood a broken Sam, tears staining his cheeks, eyes red from crying, he looked so small. He looked up at me and more tears started to pour out. I engulfed him in a hug and he immediately hugged back with the small amount of strength he had. I stepped closer to the door, Sam still in my arms, and locked the main door. I stepped back against a wall and hugged him tighter, like my life depended on it.

  "Colby.? Why did you even come in here?" He asked in a faint voice. I smiled, remembering the reason I followed him.

   "Lift up the sleeve on your right arm." I said and watched him do it. I finally saw it. He was the queen to my king. He had the crown.

   "That symbol means that you've found your soul mate. Whoever matches you, is yours." I said, slowly lifting mine as well, exposing my crown, but not enough for him to see my scars. I watched the line across the queens crown dissipate. Sam's eyes widened and he looked up at me shocked. I smiled lightly, glancing from his eyes to his lips. I did it. I leaned down to the short blond in my arms and locked his soft lips with mine. He stood there for a second, dumb founded, but eventually he finally fluttered his baby blue eyes closed and moved his lips along with mine. Both of our wrist markings started glowing a strong gold as we continued our first and best kiss. After we both ran out of breath, we pulled apart. We just stood there, staring at each other with the biggest smiles on our faces.

   "Samuel John Golback, Will you please be my boyfriend?" I finally asked. I held my breath, waiting for his reply.

   "How could I say no my best friend, and my soul mate?" He asked, kissing me on the cheek. I smiled wider and picked him up, spinning us in circles. His little giggle made me never want to stop. My chest felt warm, like something had finally filled that empty hole in my heart. I stopped spinning and put him down, grabbing his small soft hands.

   "I love you Colby, I have for such a long time" Sam admitted, I smiled and put my forehead against his, closing my eyes.

   "I love you too Sammy, and trust me, I have too."

We finally stepped out of the bathroom door and walked back to our table. I wanted to grab his hand so badly. We sat in our respective seats and acted as normal as we could. I looked to Elton and nodded, smiling even more. He smiled back at me and nudged Corey, most likely telling him the good news.

   "Congratulations guys! I'm so happy that Solby is finally real!" Corey whisper yelled across the table.

   "Thanks guys, sorry about not letting it come out sooner!" I replied. Our food came as I finished my sentence.  We ate happily and eventually left the pizzeria. We all walked peacefully to the RV and piled in. It was 10PM and we had many activities to do tomorrow, according to Elton. We all decided to go to bed to be mentally and physically prepared for tomorrow. Corey passed out on the couch within seconds, Elton fell asleep soon after on his respective bed. Finally, Sam and I climbed up to our bed and got comfy. I took my shirt off and changed into shorts. Sam did the same, but I realized his shorts were fluffy. I laid down next to him and we turned to look at each other. I smiled at him and brushed his golden locks out of his face. He nuzzled my hand and scooted closer to me. I laid down on my back and pulled him closer to me. He rest his head on my chest and we tangled our legs together.

   "Goodnight Colby, I love you so so much." He said, getting quieter with each word.

   "night Sammy, I love you too" I replied, only to be met with the soft snores of my soul mate.

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