Chapter 21 - Fall from Grace

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Chapter 21 – Fall from Grace

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
John Hancock Tower, Chicago, IL

Nightfall befell Chicago, and the skyscrapers began to light up bright. Tango Carlson was only a few minutes away from reaching their goal. Lucas looked at his team. They looked back and each being serious and ready.

"Are y'all ready for whatever happens?" said Maj. Fischer, call-sign "Lucas".

"Yes, sir!" said Hunter.

"We're all in sync with your command, Lucas!" exclaimed Meadows.

"Lucas, in case we don't make it out alive, I've something to say to you." Auburn declared.

"Auburn, I understand your wish to confide something in me, however, now isn't the time. Especially when we are so close." Lucas affirmed.

"I understand sir, but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place." Auburn replied. "I may not ever get the chance to tell you this but listen. It sounds crazy, but I love you. I know you're married, you have two kids, but I needed to let you know that I hope someday, I do find another man like you."

Lucas then sighed. "Thank you so much! That means a lot." He said. "Don't worry, we all will get out of this alive. And we won't have another mission for six months, I promise you all."

"Hoo-ah!" said everyone.

Beast finally was able to get his family back form the clutches of the cartel members. He saw his wife and daughter, as they approached him. He embraced them both.

"Thank goodness, you're alright!" said the lieutenant general. "I was very worried."

"Daddy!" said his daughter.

"We're happy you're okay too!" said his wife.

"I'm sorry I put you through this." Beast said.

"It wasn't your fault, Daddy." His daughter assured him.

"Is it over?" said his wife.

"Almost!" said Beast. "Lucas and his team are almost there."

"We're praying of them till the end." His daughter said. "Hope they make it through and alive too."

Lucas and his team then barged into the rooftop area of the building. To their surprise, no one was there. It was an empty room.

"What the hell?" said Hunter. "There's no one here."

"Or is there?" said Lucas as he noticed a stack of papers suddenly move due to some invisible movement.

He then activated his sonar goggles, then signaled his team to do the same. They then saw two figures moving in the heat sensors. The figure was hiding behind a desk.

"Move in team!" said Lucas. "I know damn well, who those are!"

The team made their way around the table, to show none other than Gutierrez and Saenz. They drew their guns out. Lucas stared at them.

"I don't have time to fuck around! Start talking or start dying!" said Lucas, in a harsh and threatening tone.

"Por favor!" said Saenz, really intimidated. "We'll spill!"

"What do you want from us?" said Gutierrez.

"The virus, and the deactivation code." Lucas said. "Now!"

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